We need to FIX this MESS! REBEL .. NOW!!
Let's grow up! BE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE! Don't Expect "DADDY"to fix the mess we ALL made!VOTING for which"daddy" fixes zero!
Let's grow up! BE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE! Don't Expect "DADDY"to fix the mess we ALL made!VOTING for which"daddy" fixes zero!
Wed. Aug. 14, 2024, 4:00 pm.
Is it too late? Have we been disrespectful IRRESPONSIBLE babies for too long? This got worse faster and faster when us "sheep boomers" were kids. Electricity made everything go to hell .. made us LAZY and so irresponsible. We used to have to light our own lantern, pump water and find logs for the fire. We were self RELIANT and RESOURCEFUL. Then we got washing machines, TV and TV dinners! It was all downhill from there. Now .. if there is a terrible tornado and whole towns and family memories are destroyed, some call the town Hydro screaming "this is unacceptable, why is my hydro down?" I guess the "democracy daddy" fixes everything for us blaming babies? 🙈 How did we go from adventurous, responsible, inventive Pioneers .. to such selfish, ENTITLED, self absorption! We have totally lost our minds. So much so .. we do not even RECOGNIZE that we have! 😳 We do not even KNOW we are insane or MASS STUPID! Common sense was gone in 1995 ("The death of Common sense" .. replaced by stupid Laws .. by P K Howard). With no common sense and just USING everything to make profit, (with never a thought to consequences) is DESTROYING CIVILIZATION (unherd link).
Do we hope to continue having HUMANS on earth? .. and not just ZOMBIES in the dystopia they created? We sheep just merrily followed along, so we too must accept blame! Do we really expect NORMAL HUMAN CIVILIZATION to remain, when we screamed every "NOT NORMAL was "special"? We made no effort to find why everything was losing its NORMAL. Nature worked just fine til we MESSED with everything. Why do you think humans were just fine til "American ingenuity" came along? Messing with nature messes everything because it is ALL connected. We have created a toxc soup for our home.
There is NO chance humans survive .. unless WE stop everything NOW .. and CHANGE our behaviour. Get off the phone and join HUMANS. Get off Google and social and JOIN CIVILIZATION. Instead of easy dividing and demonizing get LISTENING and LEARNING .. NOW .. or we are DEAD .. and I mean like TOMORROW! I am old and angry. I have been yelling for decades, but lazy selfish people just say "oh, you are so negative". Well enjoy the hell your shallow care LESS too lazy to THINK behaviour has created. I will soon be gone. (Sadly most the people BEING LAZY are the very OLD PEOPLE who caused this hell. Why do NONE of them even VOLUNTEER? 😡 ) Boomers focused only on financial "success" for the self, and not on our "WE/ US" family and home! We neglected CONSERVATION for stupid, shallow "green" and "recycle"! Instead of REAL AUTHENTIC RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY for the HUMAN FAMILY and HOME.
Our biggest mistake was a $$ ACCOUNTING SYSTEM .. so simple it is embarassing for supposedly smart, CONSCIOUS HUMANS. There are so very many things of far GREATER VALUE than money, for TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH! Like maybe we would rather have clean water and air than a mansion? Or Hope trust and ORDER (an expectation of FAIR). My tap has brown crap on its (shower head?) What the HELL .. that is Toronto drinking water! So would you REALLY rather have more profit than pay corporate taxes to keep our REAL RESOURCES SAFE? Are Corporations pure evil or MASS STUPID? "Happy" people is also a community resource. Making jobs part time so we must commute 2 times with erratic schedules, only creates sad, depressed, and then angry people who do stupid things like vandalize. OH .. but only more money, more profit and power are the only importance in this society?! Insane .. no brain .. we are missing the actual THINKING EVALUATING choices part of the brain. Time to change accounting to a FAIR Total Human VALUE system. It takes effort and time to calculate TRUE value including TOXINS.
EDIT to here
WE have a few choices to get out of the hell we have created over the last 100 years ever FASTER. Can we get away from our ever more deeply destroyed HUMAN Health?
The polycrisis recognition FINALLY is wonderful! Ernst and Young and World Economic Forum. But humans allowed daddy (government and corporations) to take away all our power. Or we were just too lazy to DO anything for our "freedom". Time to GROW UP! Every day will take work to THINK though DECISIONs. REAL TOTAL Human VALUE requires careful CALCULATION. We were lazy and simply added 4 profit and subtracted costs but decreased all quality to increase profit. Now we live on GARBAGE PLANET. How idiot can we have been? Left brain people are UNABLE to think deeply .. if a problem is an onion, left brains grab the crackle shell OR inner elastic (the woke screamers?). A real human with BOTH brain hemispheres thinks thru the onion layers to the heart of the problem. Problmes require calculating value of ALL pluses and minuses nt just $$!! But they also require calculating what the MULTIPLIERS ARE!. If I smile at a person having BAD DAY I may just calm them and make their day better. A few seconds of kindness invested can be a HUGE MULTIPLIER for our HUMAN STOCK MARKET EXCHANGE! But we can also MULTIPLY waste into cancerous TOXIC MULTIPLIERS! Enough with plus and minus $! We must spend our time calculating REAL HUman VALUE of all actions BEFORE they are taken. Cut the social CRAP and tok tok!! You have work to do .. or we die! Sorry I am mad nobody listened to my decades of yelling WE have MUCH work to do, but TOGETHER it will be easier and FUN!!
When you are RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE for your Human FAMILY and HOME, everything WORKS. Because respect, personal responsibility and managing all our shared resources is NORMAL human .. you kno NATURAL. It is why humans survived for millennia. America comes along and in 250 years we have detroyed everything of VALUE! That is not a source of pride. You can be "special" entitled and elitist but brainless and you will simply remain in the DIGITAL DYSTOPIA we have created. The internet COULD have been ama zing. but nobody listened to me. Instead we took it advertising on steroids and competition with screaming bullies. My way was connecting and sharig knowledge as human INTELLIGENCE with NO AVERTISING. When advertising is TRUE and we need / want it .. it becomes helpful COMMUNICATION. Instead we made ALL communication shallow and twisted as only entertainment, marketing and competition. We could not have taken the fabulous of the Internet to more extreme BAD.
Everything is good AND bad (Dual) .. but life is BALANCE and MODERATION thru collaboration and compromise. 2 different things can be true. We have lost any ability to discuss this! Somehow we let the faceless "social" of digital destroy our ability to LISTEN and LEARN from those with another view. That is the HUMAN NORMAL way. YES! There is definitely normal bur we think we are to SPECIAL for natural. whoops .. we die of "stupid virus". Besides sugar fried brain that is another reason we are now IDIOTS, can't listen, can't LEARN. Let's fix this .. if we still can. WE may have to kill you if you can not learn. Adopt the new "FAIR SYSTEM", the TOTAL Human VALUE Accounting SYSTEM. Create a group to work with bringing in others. Now! .. next week could be too late! If we THINK to find TRUTH so we can TRUST it is easier to be FAIR. FAIR solves problems but takes very hard slow work. Be patient .. the alternative is human extinction or living in zombie DYSTOPIA.
Tues. Aug 13, 2024, 12:00 pm.
Those in power, who focus only on MORE profit and power, are DESTROYING HUMANITY. Climate change will not kill us .. we will destroy OURSELVES long before .. and very soon. To UNDERSTAND things before acting on them, is HARD and slow, requiring PATIENCE. Instead, our society only wants fast, EASY "solutions". To truly UNDERSTAND a problem, before ACTING on solving it is really HARD. Without THINKING FIRST before acting, disconnected Siloes and BANDAIDS are what we mistakenly believe is "success". Humans who want FAIR for the common and greater good can not handle this chaos. We will die soon, leaving only a spectrum of ZOMBIES and the DYSTOPIA they created, to replace REAL HUMANS.
A HUMAN has a mind and "heart", but I suggest they are located in our Right THINKING brain Hemisphere. We have DESTROYED our Right brain wiring with the "4 S virus". Sugar (hidden in all our processed food), Screens (+ their EMF's), Special ("ME! mine, here, now!") and overwhelming STRESS. It seems the DESTRUCTION of all that is NORMAL (natural) has stolen our "human". It is HUMAN to have a balanced brain where our RIGHT brain wiring THINKS in order to UNDERSTAND .. before action is taken.
Tues. Aug. 13, 2024, 7:30 am.
WE .. HUMANS are dying in all manner of ways .. not just heightened disease, but from STRESS, a contagious TOXIN. Stress inflames all manner of diseases, plus causes Suicide, addiction overdose, and MURDERING in rage at constant INJUSTICE.
We have created so many factors that are destroying our society. But this time, the "empire collapse" (the "American dream" society) will take too much of ALL humanity with it. WE finally began worrying about our earth HOME, but are still completely NEGLECTING our Human FAMILY's HEALTH! America has created a contagious CANCER .. an obsession with "MORE .. faster, easier and ALWAYS EXTREME competition ". This sickness is created by a focus on only "ME!/mine, here, NOW!" ACTION .. devoid of THINKING first. "I'm SPECIAL, I have RIGHTS!" will kill us. We actually only have RESPONSIBILITY, which we have totally neglected, along with any respect for what is NORMAL! Normal is just generalizing .. a way to create order, instead of confusion and the resulting CHAOS we create with "diversity" .. AKA DIVISION.
We are just HUMANS, all the same .. FIRST. Our "special" should be our skill talent CONTRIBUTION, to the common GOOD, and the solving of our any SHARED problems. We need to restore the ORDER of normal .. the way NATURE connects everything in a REGULAR orderly manner. When something differs from "normal" .. a SANE intelligent CURIOUS human looks for a CAUSE. A cause that destroys normal should be REMOVED. Cancer from TOXINS is not normal! But finding causes of ABNORMAL, creates no profit. 😢 I have been screaming "WHY??" for 70 years, too stupid to recognize the American "dream" runs on BANDAIDS and SILOS. Siloes are TOTALLY abnormal because everything in NATURE (normal) CONNECTS. We have DISCONNECTED EVERYTHING and this is why we are collapsing. Every person, systems and especially IDEA connects. DISCONNECT creates confusion, chaos and WAR! Can we quickly RECONNECT .. or will this be the LAST WAR? Humans against Zombies who are selfish, shallow, and losing their MIND and "heart".
The Diagram needs redoing. By being a Thinking HUMAN with MIND and "Heart", we are CONSTANTLY LEARNING. If you are closed minded tunnel vision .. GO AWAY .. NOW! (We will soon need to start the LAST war against you!) If you are just STRESSED shallow and selfish you are welcome to try working with us, sharing our opposite brain resources .. "think" vs "do". We used to have balanced brains but the TOXINS we created destroyed our Right brain Thinking wiring. The diagram needs redoing because Waste and TOXINS are not the same. Toxins are MULTIPLIERS, so they are like a GROWING "cloud" above us. Yet we have an ACCOUNTING SYSTEM of ONLY plus+, Minus- $$. 🙈 Proof # 1 of STUPID! So many resources OTHER than money affect our TOTAL Human health. In our NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM The Toxin part is even more HUGE than the waste we create. We even destroy the health of our young WORKERS!
THINKING HUMANS keep wondering and LEARNING. This is why I have 18 websites .. NONE finished! I keep LEARNING .. and thought the older site might mislead because new intelligence has been added. I am not CRAZY,🤪 .. just a very slow learner! 🙄 .. 🐢 🥸 SURPRISE! If we have an OPEN MIND we are CONSTANTLY LEARNING NEW CONNECTIONS. That makes life hard for us. An OPEN mind connecting ideas is slow and Hard. A CLOSED MIND makes life SO simple. They say "Just look after yourself and GET THE JOB DONE. Don't be worrying about a world you have no control over. Do you think you are god?" YES! WE ARE god .. at least compared to you, SELFISH shallow "being" headed toward the zombie spectrum. God made us in his image and wants us to be CARING and FAIR! he made a big mistake though! That damn Magic Magnet (LAW of attraction) he gave to help us, easily helps closed mind confident and FEELING DESERVING "beings". NO FAIR! SIMPLE .. action, closed minds always win, while we Thinkers are looking for causes and consequences in search of FAIR! So you jerk selfish, SHALLOW people are in charge .. because we THINKERS are busy listening and LEARNING. Then they call US losers but THEY are the ones who COLLAPSED EVERYTHING with shallow BANDAID "success"! So SORRY! 🤬 but I do not LIKE you .. it is not FAIR that jerk people (selfish and shallow) always WIN! YES! we are "INJUSTICE COLLECTORS" because wee will build a FAIR SYSTEM, before humans die in the DYSTOPIA you Left Brains created. ("Left brains are destroying civilization" .. UNHERD)
We Right Brains want to understand FIRST, then we want to be sure "DOING IT!" does not just cause MORE problems than the original one! I do not LIKE action people .. they WIN but they have destroyed the world! THE ANSWER (to my jealousy of "successful people") is they have lost their RIGHT brain wiring, the hemisphere of our BALANCED HUMAN BRAIN that questions, and is CURIOUS and IMAGINATIVE of better ways to run the world. Left brains have lost their ability for their brain to "TIME/ SPACE travel" (find link!). Wanting to know causes is our brain going into the past, imagining better REAL solutions is traveling to a future WE CREATE. Understanding McGilchrist explains most the weird things we see, explains the people you can not understand. Step 1 in "saving the world" is to study his work. ("Left brains are destroying Civilization." on Unherd)
Sun. Aug. 11, 2024, 1:00 pm.
No Bandaids or siloes only focused on PROFIT or POWER are allowed. Since this is the basis of our current world .. of course EVERYTHING is collapsing! Everything in the NORMAL world CONNECTS, so now we NATURALLY .. live in a TOXIC soup of our own making. 🤯
If you want to join our NORMAL HUMAN club, no Bandaids are allowed .. we find CAUSES and remove them or fix the problem instead of PROFIT FROM IT! Think about it! they makes us sick adding 56 names of sugar which INFLAMES) to every food and then profit off the DIEASES THEY CREATED. Since they are Left brain and devoid of THINKNG right wiring, they actually may not even UNDERSTAND what they are doing. I have always thought it PURE evil, But maybe they are just DISABLED? Maybe not so evil, just DISABLED .. unable to HEAR and "see" the concern Right brains have long been yelling all along. Either way .. Left Brain ACTION .. without first THINKNG with the RIGHT brain Hemisphere is destroying civilization!
Sun. Aug. 11, 2024, 1:00 pm.
Sun. Aug. 11, 2024, 1:15 pm.
When I watch CBS SUNDAY MORNING, which is so INTERESTING and educational in so many DIFFERENT ways .. I can not but have some HOPE RESTORED. There are so many fabulous inventive people or Natural places explored, it remind us there are so many GOOD Humans, 😇that we must remember they are quiet, not the SCREAMERS that makes us feel THE END IS HERE. Since I should be working, I look for parts I could ignore and work on reading or writing. But everything is fascinating to a CURIOUS Right brain person. And when it is an actor or singer I do not like, when I LISTEN I get a NEW APPRECIATION and see that I judged WRONGLY. Kind of fits my belief that MOST PEOPLE ARE GOOD. But if their Right brain THINKING WIRING is destroyed by (sugar screens or stress) toxins they become SHALLOW and SELFISH. This is the scale or spectrum heading to STUPID! and mean, to cruel, to EVIL!
Judging from family, I wonder if they even KNOW they are mean? Right vs Left brain seems to relate to the "Worrier /WARRIOR" link ..and the "Selfless/ selfish" (link) spectrum. My daughter is a WARRIOR and I am beginning to wonder if she even recognizes how mean she can be. I tried forever to get her to check out my "CBS (NEWS) SUNDAY AM" love. Especially Steve Hartmans' heart warming episodes. She just told me I was stupid to watch any news, it was all media propoganda. (So learning about horseshoe crabs ids propoganda? or the history of James Baldwin? I guess I just LOVE learning .. and maybe Left brains HATE IT?? 🤔 )
No matter how or what I tried to make her have a peek .. I was just demeaned for it. Or told I was a DICTATOR .. I was just trying to share something very cool! 😓 That felt so hurtful and DISRESPECTFUL. It felt like there was not even the CONNECTION that I often feel with strangers I meet on street corners .. and this is a HUMAN I BIRTHED from my womb! 😳 But as I learn more about the LEFT Brain population, I think as WARRIORS they just do not have the questioning and curiosity of Right brain THINKERS. (Of course the BEST HUMAN is one who still HAS a BALANCED BRAIN .. and can THINK but then actually DO SOMETHING. WARRIORS mind goes to attack .. whether a problem or an enemy. Worriers are a pain to be around always worrying about every angle. But that is how I built our replacement for our shallow ACCOUNTING SYSTEM! We have to WORRY ABOUT ALL THINGS not just how much $$ we can make!! see my diagram above! We USE things for profiting and create WASTE. We are not simply DISRESPECTFUL about USING UP RESOURCES but we just PITCH THE WASTE .. and even create TOXINS with it. I swear if I was god I would hav wiped us off the planet long ago FOR OUR DISRESPECT. It is one ting to create toxins unknowingly .. like even maybe in the 60's .. but waiting 50 years to even PRETEND to DO something is evil, or MASSIVE STUPID! All our green efforts are STUPID. We need to CONSERVE which means a WHOLE NEW CONSCIOUS MINDSET. But we have destroyed our mind and our "heart". No common sense or civility remains in too many beings. Have we lost our HUMAN?
As usual I lost my way! Sorry .. The point was to say we need to keep HOPEFUL because god, the creator, or master developer of the cosmos, did NOT create this AMAZING place only to have ZOMBIE Left brains destroy it all! There is way too much AMAZING stuff on earth and in the cosmos for it to just be GONE ,.. destroyed by greed and STUPIDITY! If god can create this amazing earth he can help us little David's win against the corporate power structure Goliath! We will keep hopeful and at worst unlike what my family tells me .. we are the ones going to HEAVEN 😇 .. because we consider the common and greater good before SELF. SELFISH but "saved" mean humans will NOT BE GOING TO HEAVEN. I promise you on my parents grave. (plus awesome NYC is NOT going down .. too many wonderful creative energies there!!)
We have to GET TOGETHER .. quit being little quiet mice and be RATS GOING TO BATTLE! If we Right brains who still THINK before acting, are all yelling TOGETHER .. maybe those Left brains will start listening? We must always remember so many are STRESSED selfish and shallow .. too busy trying to just SURVIVE to have TIME to think. Those people willing to TRY to learn new ideas are WELCOME in our co-operative.
WE will BOYCOTT those Corporations unwilling to be "FAIR certified" (pay taxes, employees and make decent stuff not crap, no toxins and STILL be philanthropic). Worse than BOYCOTT working for or buying from, we will SHAME them, EXPOSE their fake CSR! They have an OPPORTUNITY to partner with us, use a BETTER ACCOUNTING SYSTEM that will prevent the EXTINCTION of HUMANS! AND .. they can have all the credit for SPONSORING a TEMPLATE of our better "church /country with one law" .. be a FAIR decent human .. which takes much PATIENCE and hard work to find the TRUTH so FAIR can result. WE will do the work .. but they must WAIT before acting. Listen to the THINKING RESOURCE ideas and discuss BEFORE deciding on the plan! TOGETHER we can save the world! They love WINNING .. so if we give them the credit, they will be HAPPY. (Hah! we conned THEM for a change!! I love it!! 😆 ) Us who EXPECT FAIR and decent is NORMAL have been conned and sacmmed for too long! We even believe higher education was important to go in debt for. Meantime its only purpose was profit for the banks interest and for us to be MIND controlled. 🤔 It is time for RIGHT brains to USE (con) Left brains sole desire for COMPETITION and WINNING to get what WE WANT instead .. a FAIR decent society! I am believing Left brains will never take time to read this?
Thurs. Aug 15, 2024, 9:50 am.
Richard Goodall AGT .. how amazing .. there ARE good people .. not interested in "screamers". They dee the AUTHENTICITY of Richard Goodall and love the energy he creates. he brings tears! This is so HOPEFUL .. there are GOOD AUTHENTIC people who love REAL HUMAN CONNECTION and decency!
Sun. Aug. 11, 2024, 2:15pm
I apologize for my terrible writing and perhaps communication. My mind always goes off track! No wonder I get zero accomplished and create great frustration in others. HOWEVER decades of "MIND MEANDERING!" have created the answer to (my?) life questions (why nothing works? why is everything stupid? why are people mean?). I think the answer that fixes everything is 1) the 3/ 6/ 9 of TOTAL Human Health, FAIR certified plus the NEW accounting system calculating value of 6 life ledgers NOT simply $$! So please take my ideas and let's stop civilization from collapsing!
AWARE .. do you realize we have lost our CIVILITY? .. just NORMAL decent HUMAN behaviour is GONE.
Our every action or behaviour should FIRST be considered in how it affects others. These new monster children if they were raised human would not SCREAM horrendously if they thought just once how they give people nearby a heart attack. But sadly I guess if most have lost their NORMAL sensitivity and are devoid of normal anxious feelings .. we will just exist in a screaming system of CHAOS! If nobody cares about anybody else .. GOOD LUCK. Right brains will probably finally murder the evil devoid of MIND and "heart" beings, that are no longer HUMAN.
We have replaced the goal of common and greater good with "ME! mine, here, NOW!" But everything we do or neglect for our HUMAN Family and HOME affects our "cosmos". Those who USED everything solely for profit or power created a TOXIC soup we now live in. Let's create a gated community where we CALCULATE REAL HUMAN VALUE not simply $$. A new ACCOUNTING system that consider not just what we ADD to our "bank" or stock exchange .. but also MULTIPLIERS that invest and INCREASE .. or contagious CANCERS that destroy our BALANCE of VALUE. There are 3 kinds of people,
Of course this is a spectrum or scale from VERY Left brain (Trump) to VERY Right brain (Tesla). Real LEADERS ?obama) would be the balanced brains those who are CEO's but still VISIONARY. This has been lost in the last 2 decades, those in charge are NOT visionary .. they are all Left brain selfish and SHALLOW. So there is a scale or spectrum of brain tyrp character.
But in life we msut GENERALIZE to create ORDER. Do not let people say you are racist or whatever .. 🙈! we generalize to create order out of far too much divergent information. We must beware it does not turn into BIAS but to generalize is NORMAL. For example I think it is FAIR to say immigrants now coming are NOT the same as us 50 years ago. We were quiet and shy and wanted to blend in. IN Toronto I feel like atsranger in my own country. Each immigrant group bands together in their own culture, speaks their own language LOUDLY and makes you feel left out in your own country. Yes, I have become biased against immigrants .. but if 60 or 70 % do the same thing it is not racist or evil it is a FACT. Sorry but I think this is a FAIR statement.
So if I say Trump people are selfish and shallow LEFT BRAINS, I do not think it is MEAN .. just a true fact. 🤔 But here is where all our problems begin. after a lifetime pondering the strange weirdness of life I recently realized TRUTH and FAIRNESS is hella HARD!! No wonder we have wars and battles!
It takes so much time and effort to UNDERSTAND the whole picture. Left brains are LUCKY .. they just do not BOTHER. Without their RIGHT brain THINKING wiring they actually can NOT consider detail and contemplate! They are DISABLED, no ability for deep thinking! So I am JEALOUS because life is so easy focused only on "ME! mine, here, NOW" with NO care for the common and greater good! But Left brain EASY gets them in POWER and control!
Our Gated community allows no LAZY Irresponsible beings. We live by WE/US and TIME/ Space Life Ledgers not just me and mine $ accounting! Considering how our behaviour affects neighbours (we) and us (community/ country) plus past causes and Future consequences is HARD WORK and takes so much patience. Patience to contemplate is not possible for Left brains. Their simple cast action tiook over the world and now everything is collapsing. Our TOTAL Human Family and Home Health has been destroyed.
We share and trade all our resources .. FAIRLY. You can have 6 mansions and 2 yachts .. but your workers should NOT be starving. Don't wreck the earth, make quality products .. not GARBAGE, pay FAIR taxes and STILL be philanthropic. "FAIR certify" or we will shame and boycott you as much as we can. Without agreement to FAIR "capitalism", You will not be allowed to SPONSOR a community's TEMPLATE and get the credit for SAVING THE WORLD from collapse.
Wed. Aug. 14, 2024, 7:30 am.
Left brains are allowed only if willing to LISTEN and LEARN to deeper layers of ideas and connections. Real Solutions are hard. Their simple profit and control solutions are STUPID. It would seem 100% they are TRYING to kill us! How can the power structure do EVERYTHING that only harms us unless that is the GOAL? The question then is are they aliens who want our ?minerals? Are they pure evil wanting the entire earth for themself ONLY? But that is so STUPID! First robots and A I will not be costumers! There will be NO ONE to buy their stuff. Yes no troublesome workers wanting to unionize for FAIR but also nobody ALIVE to buy stuff. But I guess they just PRINT money so they really do not care. But then think of how BORING a world would be WITHOUT THE CREATIVES!! No Artists or musicians or writers, no inventors. we have fallen to only "entrepreneurs" because we invent nothing BIG and really good. Sure A I is big but just increments of the idiot DIGITAL WORLD which is nothing but a LAZY BRAINLESS therefor DYSTOPIA. Only brain dead people could possible be happy in today's disconnect of chaos and confusion. So I am still wondering .. are the ALIEN, EVIL .. or just completely devoid of THINKING about the IDIOCY they are creating. Yes we can not see the future .. but surely god wants us to work to making it GOOD .. not terrible. Destroying everything that god made is NOT being "christian". it is just selfish and shallow (evil and STUPID!)
Sun. Aug 11, 2024, 5:15 pm.
When we get too despairing .. fearful of the future and sad re so much good, that is GONE we must SEIZE our mind .. MIND CONTROL .. and allow it ONLY to be HERE and NOW. Remember a Left brain life is EASY .. because it only focuses on "ME! mine, here, NOW!" No worry over others or unfair or future concern .. simple EASY! To SURVIVE we must learn their NORMAL way of coping as our SURVIVAL TOOL. AT this point in time, we must be able to summon this TOOL of TUNNEL VISION ME FOCUS .. on demand! I myself have worried ny life away .. and now it is GONE. How sad is that!
Thurs. Aug 8, 2024, 9:30 am.
Zombies will live on in their DYSTOPIA. But REAL HUMANS, that care about others .. not just the "SELF", are not able to survive this chaos and confusion going NOWHERE. Our Win/Lose Power Structure's ACTIONS leave far too many of us sad and angry. REAL Humans want FAIR! REAL Humans want each person to be treated with respect and ALL of us taking RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN Family and home. Instead the power structure DIVIDES us into tiny opposing groups under the name of diversity and "INCLUSION". This has now ACTUALLY divided us into warring groups.
We must find the real ENEMY and WAGE THE LAST WAR. There will be no more wars. Thoughtless Left brain (zombies) will destroy the HUMAN Family and home very soon. ONLY THOUGHTFUL efforts to compromise for a "WIN for all" work. Why did humans survive for millennia? Now with selfish shallow ACTION we have quickly destroyed our human FAMILY and HOME. America was a great idea! But the Founding Fathers never expected such LAZT shallow selfish behaviour. Selfih is the spectrum to greed and then EVIL. Shallow is the spectrum to STUPID, insane thoughtless behaviour. This is now our society. Selfish, shallow and thoughtless is the scale or spectrum toward ZOMBIE. the zombie movie is here! we are living in it!
Our LAZY irresponsible behaviour is not NORMAL! Yes I am bringing that word BACK ..because it has been cancelled purely to divide us. Left brains are too devoid of THINKNG brain wiring to undersatnd duality .. that 2 OPPOSING things can BOTH have value. Instead of DISCUSSING they demonize! How can we find TRUTH and resultant FAIRNESS with such LAZY IRRESPONSIBLE Behaviour? but sadly our zombies are DISABLED .. brain wiring depleted. Whenever we right brain say something more complex, bully Left brains must take us down. They are UNABLE to conteplate, to imagine another idea to include. Their tunnel vision allows them to focus only on profit and power. Selfish and shallow allows them to focus purely on SELF "me mine here NOW!" instead of all the Life Ledgers LINK! we must consider in a WIN WIN society. (WE/ US consideration comes before "ME/ mine" in a HUMAN society.
Before any action is taken, a REAL human considers HOW IT AFFECTS others and earth. we only get one home. Had we been RESPECTFUL I bet the creator would have allowed some destruction without it KILLING US. Our disrespect does not deserve mercy or forgiveness. But the creator will forgive those who TRIED. Our quiet voices were always drowned our by screaming Left brains. Their ACTION always gives them the power edge. Thinkng of others and contemplating consequences slows everything. A FAST and EASY soiety has no PATIENCE for that. We could have stopped this brain fry in the 70's but of course the sugar mega corps drowned out us complainers. Hidden sugar has destroyed our health .. and especially our BRAIN! NOTHING in our greed capitalism DUMOCRACY is NORMAL. Without NORMAL and natural there is no ORDER to life! ONLY Chaos and confusion reign! Left brains simply throw bandaids on every problem because "cause, and its removal" is too difficult for them to PONDER. They want ACTION .. now. That never works, as we now see every system crumbling. )and of course finding "CAUSES" creates NO PROFIT! 🤔 .. 😪
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Are we oblivious, not noticing that the ZOMBIE MOVIE is US today?
Sat. July 20, 2024, 10:00 am.
We are sick because our society is DISEASED. "Sick" also means a loss of expectation for ORDER in life, plus our NEED for hope and trust. Without a feeling of hope, ability to trust and expect ORDER in life, we can not survive. The overwhelming STRESS will do us in. Unless we just remain oblivious, and then we are probably IN CHARGE of those of us who still THINK! To change having zombies (unable to think deeply) beings in power, we need to take MORE PERSONAL Responsibility. Each one of us must act in the INTEREST of our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME .. no more focus only on SELF! But those of us just STRESSED selfish and SHALLOW are welcome here
We got so far into "ME/ mine, here, NOW" to even notice "WE/US" and our future were decaying. Unless we live alone in the wilderness, we have to ACT for the common and greater good. There is no choice .. society LIVES by it. Each of us thinking only "SELF!", has destroyed our humanity. Progress, productivity and prestige taken always to EXTREME .. will always destroy. We either STOP with EXTREME, and relearn MODERATION .. or we die. We RELEARN how to BALANCE opposing viewpoints, by LISTENING and compromising .. or we die. Not in decades .. pretty sure it is very soon.
See P K Howard "The Death of Common Sense" 1995. We have no common sense or THINKNG intelligence because extreme "progress" fried our brains. It would seem our RIGHT brain wiring is more sensitive to toxins because we have lost the ability to THINK in order to UNDERSTAND problems. With only Left brain ACTION wiring .. our "solutions" are banadaids and silos. The bandaids have fallen off and the silos in total disconnect leave everything in collapse.
EVERYTHING in life CONNECTS, people, things, and IDEAS! ..CONNECTION is the basis for our HUMAN Health .. and INTELLIEGNCE. Our DISCONNECTION of everything, humans, systems and IDEAS ..has DESTROYED our society. The Health of our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME is gone. Is it TOO LATE to fix it? maybe if we EACH take personal RESPONSIBILITY?
If you would rather live as a HUMAN, not in MINDLESS ZOMBIE DYSTOPIA, you must study the FIRST diagram BELOW and start to LIVE IT. (I must make it much more simple .. but please START to try to understand what we need to DO). It is the recipe for TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH, HARD work, not fast and easy .. but without it .. humans become EXTINCT. Before ACTION there must be THINKNG. All of our behaviour must FIRST consider "the OTHER". Selfish shallow action zombies must be sent to another planet .. our last civil (world) WAR! If you are stressed just to SURVIVE unable to THINK .. then please use OUR RIGHT BRAIN RESOURCE. Learn from us and act accordingly .. or we must kill you. But better than our regular wars .. we will give you 3 strikes first .. 3 tries to be FAIR and decent? ..and then you are OUT. 👻
I know little because I want to UNDERSTAND everything, think deeper on it. But after 7 decades .. every INTUITION I have had was/ IS RIGHT! 🙈 I buy books and research for weeks to prove my IDEAS, that I had no clue about. But I realize now, once I study smarter people .. I finally realize MY INTUITION was always RIGHT! (Yes there is CONFIRMATION BIAS, but at least see what you think of my reason and solution for our societal collapse.) Please listen and TRY THE SOLUTION NOW .. because my lack of confidence and belief in MYSELF .. has lost us so so much time! I think we have very little left. If nothing else .. A I is already eating us into more CHAOS.
I knew as a kid something was very wrong with our world. Why would people come in our snack Bar sago "I'm thirsty, .. give me a coke!" If you are thirsty you need water .. why would you drink BROWN sugar water? Remember that was in the 50's .. the beginning of the EVEIL of marketing that ALSO fried our brains. Hidden Sugar (with 56 names), SCREENS and STRESS have destroyed our Health and our BRAINS. Our MIND and "Heart" must be in our Right hemisphere wiring because we just ACT with no effort to consider OTHERS well being or the FUTURE result of our behaviour. Sure sugar destroys will power and we buy more, and it destroys health so there is profit in FIXES. But did Left brains in charge never think in the end this would DESTROY us. Brain dead means you are selfish and SHALLOW (stupid!) We are .. or we would have NOTICED what it's happening. Us Right brain thinkers will share our BRAIN RESOURCE .. but if you refuse to listen .. we may have to kill you. TRUST my intuition now.
Wed. July 24, 2024, 9:00 am.
For my lucky almost Boomer life, there was always HOPE!
But what IS "HOPE" really? It is a feeling that LIFTS your spirits, it is a scale of EUPHORIA. At its high point we believe ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! But at its zero scale end .. it is the loss of soul creating a shell of a being, with no spirit. Is this why cannabis was legalized? .. to calm the sadness or ANGER some of us feel, at this huge injustice of stealing our HOPE!
Hope is DREAMING, IMAGINING future possibilities, having fun creating better scenarios of our life. Over the last 2 decades, I have slowly lost that ability, while watching the decline of society and opportunity for those young coming after us (entitled excessive "boomers") But I never really noticed the VAST DIFFERENCE in quality of life, until I mysteriously found "hope" again yesterday. Strangely I had hit rock bottom and realized I must QUIT THIS NONSENSE (no one is LISTENING!) which is horribly despairing. But somehow the ?spirit, soul? astrophysical 🤔vibration? of the area I walked to MYSTERIOUSLY made me feel "hopeful". I did not SAY .. I have hope again .. it was a "feeling" (something rather unexplainable?) that I had not had in forever!
It was a BELIEF in new possibilities .. and it was somehow SUBCONSCIOUS. Maybe because I had decided I just had to GIVE UP, and move to (Belize) to it OPENED MY MIND to the TUNNEL VISION OF HAVING TO CLEAN UP THE MESS WE MADE? You can not FORCE people to listen and learn. EVEN if you are warning a fast train is coming and THEY are on the tracks. I do not want to see the carnage, the dead shredded bodies so I will go to a peaceful place and watch carnage from afar. "I DON"T HAVE TO!!!" 😈 .. maybe like a rebelling TEENAGER my mind was once again open to OTHER OPPORTUNITIES, rather than JUST my obsessive belief I had to DO something to fix the mess we made. There comes a point when the ADDICT (almost zombies) have to make their own decisions.
Is this why for once I looked t clothes or luggage with the mind set of "Hmm .. maybe when I have more time to relax, I will get one of those" or .. nice apt .. maybe I could rent here and easliy grab Porter flights to NYC". Imagining possibilities creates JOY! Is this the explanation and feeling of hope? Creating new pictures in our mind of another life adventure we can have? This has been gone from my life, and it must be gone from so so many young people working 2 jobs and still struggling. Seeing ads for beautiful cars and cruises just make me ANGRY. And I am only angry second hand .. angry for you people's loss of possibility. Imagine how angry you would be if you got no breaks, no great loving parents or easy money, or great friends. I fear more introverted people with no support system will start to lash in or out in final frustration. An H Bomb is about to explode. One can only withstand injustice PLUS hopelessness for so long. Then more sensitive, thoughtful wanting fairness for all HUMANS will either commit suicide or go on attack.
Start imagining scenarios where we create our own gated community. I guess cops will raid us (like they did branch dravidians? Koresh "commune"?) but hey .. we are dying one way or the other in the coming chaos! For example a motel in the Poconos PA. (link) OMG .. we could do amazingly. I did the math! In TO a tiny condo is $600,000. If 24 partners paid $150,000 we could buy it. Yes .. you get a motel room HALF the size and 1/4 the amenities off of the TO condo. BUT we would have enough money left to create a community centre and CREATE A FARM ON ALL OUR LAND! We could even buy a car we share to get us to Phila I think it was 2 hours away. HEAVEN!! Are you in? Sadly it is probably gone but .. you get the picture?? (There was even a litter house so my son who has business experience could be conned into helping.) That dream would have been amazing but with my creative design love there are so many ways we could build our better SYSTEM.
All contribute .. all receive shelter, food and FUN .. all with the INSURANCE of "FAIR!" NOT communism, but revised capitalism and DUMB-ocracy. Not "one person, one vote" but using blockchain? to give a vote FAIR VALUE. If a decision affects you MORE, your vote should count MORE. "VOTING" is STUPID! Yes/ no, is damn shallow and raher shows we are thoughtless SHEEP, who just follow along! Voting needs to be gfar more complex (See Parliament STREET park new UNDERSTANDING! in a selfish shallo mindsetI WANTED it .. but it destroyed businesses!)
Or if we get Comcast to sponsor SAVING the WORLD (they get the CREDIT, but we do the managing) we could perhaps with more sponsors but the ARSENAL (link)
Belize island.
Wed. July 10, 2024, 4:00 pm.
I think no one else is saying that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING CONNECTS!! My TALENT is collect and c
Sure the oblivious ZOMBIES will continue in the Dystoria they have created, but those of us very worried have perhaps not NOTICED we are already IN the zombie apocalypse. HUMANS are special from animals because they can think a little deeper. But somehow once we went on the iNVENTION SPREE we RUINED everything. Think about it! Humans managed for millennia and then those damn Americans invented stuff which is great .. but they went WILD with everything. Everything is DUAL .. good and bad .. now we have even taken the WHEEL and made t evil. It is no longer safe to walk the sidewalk Bec there are like 5 ways a wheel or 4, will harm you! Explain to me why we had wheels for millennia but we come along and RUIN IT! We are insane!
Life is moderation .. and balance. If you want to ruin that NORMAL be ready for decay and collapse.
Who has 7 decades research why nothing works" why things seem DUMB? (devoid of COMMON SENSE) and why are people mean? So I am not being arrogant or think I am so smart (I can't even get teeth brushed and place cleaned or bills paid .. so I get the idiot trophy). BUT .. I can PERSEVERE with questions about problems and how to maybe fix them .. way longer than anybody. SO .. I am a little despairing that if I can get no one to LISTEN .. REAL Humans are extinct.
Special DIVIDES. Normal and natural CONNECTS. The ai of DISCONNECTING EVERYTHING was to divide us so we were easier to CONTROL. It is far easier for our Power Structure to have control over us little people masses, when they DIVIDE us in every way. Since they too (World Economic Forum??) are afraid of the polycrisis .. I guess they were OBLIVIOUS to the TERRIBLE impact their DIVISION of us would have on society. We are not even a society anymore we are a stupid collection of warring "cliques" like in high school only way worse than in my day in the 60's.
Truth is hard, it has many sides! Left brain people are UNWILLING to examine THE TRUTH. Yes there can be perspectives but FCTUAL TRUTH CAN NOT BE rearranged to suit! I think that Trump and his people actually believe their ideas. I think everyone wanting power (politics) is out to get us (selfish and shallow TV .. Tunnel Vision) But it feels like at least Biden is the inner elastic Onion shell, a tiny bit more THOUGHT into the problem or idea. It seems election results were checked and you can not just say it was stolen when it would seem PROOF is there to say NOT TRUE. How can America have fallen so low that half the people just IMAGINE what they want? our worship of progress fried our BRAINS. We have lost our ability to THINK, consider, evaluate. We just grab an idea that suits us and run with it!
This is so Scarry ..because I Agee with many republican ideas .. but they need more depth and study and compromise. WITHOUT America collapses. The foundation of any group of "free" humans is LISTENING, discussing with CIVILITY and the the work of compromise. It is hard but missing any of those 3 .. we are DONE! We have spent decade faster and faster ACTING without thinkng FIRST. Left brain action gets things done fast but they are not REAL solutions. Fast action without contemplation creates SILOS and bandaids. All our silos and bandits for PROFIT are now collapsing. Destruction is everywhere. Did we really think we could use create waste and even multiplying TOXINS and never have to PAY for it? The debt is due and god is mad. At least I sure would be given no RESPECT or responsibility for our HUMAN FMAILY or HUMAN HOME>
How about if we want to survive the ZOMBIE apocalypse that is gradually happening (while we are worrying about idiot stupid things) .. we start a NEW WAR EFFORT! This time the war is the enemy among us. If the Human is too far gone to LISTEN! LEARN! THINK AGAIN! RECONSIDER and then discuss and COMPROMISE .. assort we have to remove that BAD human. If the bad human is willing to TRY HARD to LISTEN, HEAR and consider implications of past and future not solely NOW .. we will give them the opportunity to JOIN US. The Last "church" or country or club. Good against evil .. where evil is no care whatsoever regarding harming others.
We have lost our soul. Are we still human when we simplify everything to good/ bad UNABLE to discuss and compromise?
Copyright © 2024 The BANK of REAL Human VALUE - All Rights Reserved.
I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.