Fri. July 12, 2024, 3:00 pm.
Be AWARE. LISTEN, LEARN, RECONSIDER, and then THINK again! REAL SOLUTIONS need peeling thru the ONION LAYERS of problems and ideas. REAL Solutions do not grab the crisp BREAKABLE onion shell because that idea creates "profit". On second thought .. the elastic skin may create MORE profit, so action people grab only shell or skin while THINKING would have gotten to THE HEART of the problem! A REAL Solution takes thinking and time and we have only done fast easy BANDAIDS! REAL HUMAN PROFIT comes from far more than printed pretend MONY! Human "profit" or well being comes from hope, trust, order, connection, belonging, feeling VALUED, and connecting our HUMAN intelligence. THOSE are the REAL "profits of our action. Those 9factors of REAL Health is what we will FOCUS on! Only THINKING CAREFULLY before acting, can create REAL TRUE VALUE for Humans. VALUE in our life is having calm, with shelter, food and fun! Not the ongoing overwhelm of chaos and fear we must suffer though. Our creator never meant for this! 😱
WE must TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and RECOGNIZE all is DUAL. Respecting ALL, we must CALCULATE the best HUMAN VALUE for each problem or opposing idea we face. It is a lot of hard work and PATIENCE, but surely beats the hell of "convenience" we created. All we have based our lives on would have been good had it been in MODERATION. EXTREME progress, profit, productivity, and POWER seizure have destroyed civilization. To survive we must RE- Pioneer!
OUR ACTION .. 3 R's: Respect, Responsibility so we manage ALL RESOURCES more wisely, including waste and toxins .. plus 3T ..THINK first so we find TRUTH, so we can TRUST!
keep returning to #2 .. our gift of calm TV
how do we control our DESPAIR??
quit the damn phone addiction!
Step 2 .. FAIR CERTIFIED .. be shamed (plus un supported as worker or customer) ..
Not necessarily on one day .. just ALWAYS doing the best we can to AVOID companies that have helped destroy HUMAN Health. Like Apple .. less iPhone, less cloud, less USE. You are letting google, social plus phone companies OWN your. Brian! STOP .. or you will die from 5G or despair!
Develop OUR behaviour and rules while we STOP and STEP out of NONSENSE WORLD!
BoYCOTT TEETH .. a weapon to use against corporate power .. "we are the reason you profit we are workers and customers! Without us you do not exist!" Well? people! pay attention! 😱 we have NO time to waste .. AI and robots are coming for us and LEFT brain NON Thinkng corporations forgot! We will have no $ to buy their crap! No job no $ to be a customer. Thinking people, SACRIFICE THEIR CRAP NOW .. or you will how NO choice to sacrifice everything when your job is gone. Let' s cut things out NOW together like a mass human strike.
Quit the damn phone ADDICTION!
Sat. July 13, 2024, 5:00 pm.
NEW Accounting system! bank stock exchange
Create OUR rules (to begin no dogs kids or any type of divide, one focus) .. only humans connecting. No DIVERSITY .. because it is a SCAM to divide us more and more!
Create business partner rules .. FAIR .. human not PPP
A New HUMAN VALUE Accounting SYSTEM of 6 Life ledgers, instead of easy fast "me/ mine, here, now" we got used to.
6 life ledgers .. value calculated for each ledger .. PLUS not just deposit/ withdraw value or toxin, but even MULTIPLIERS
Not money but FAIR trade of giving and receiving needs. We each have NEEDS to exist and not DIE, but we also have GIFTS TO GIVE. Sharing our HUMAN Intelligence (talents , skills) in a new WIN/ WIN system of TRUE VALUE .. will create TOTAL Human Health. All that money waste on disease and policing can go to make lives ACTUALLY better.
Bad guys are not born! We create them by cruel unsupportive systems. What good does policing and jail do? and a million laws? This only creates profit for those in charge but NO REAL SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM. All is BANDAID. HUMANS who are treated FAIRLY, Supported, valued and respected, WANT TO DO and BE GOOD! To replace all the stupid Jobs we need Functional Health coaches, Truth Analysts, and "Internet sanitation workers". 😃
We build a new way to live .. revised capitalism and DUMBocracy .. each human CONTRIBUTES, but each RECEIVES FAIR. Our sponsors get credit for REAL good being done .. not the fake nonsense of the past. (like a cancer run .. WHY do we have cancer? oh yes , causes bring no profit only BANDAIDS DO.
Tues. July 23, 2024, 9:45 pm.
Instead of only shallow $ value .. we calculate REAL HUMAN TOTAL VALUE for each opposing idea solution. Now it is easy to solve a problem with compromise. What is the actual plus/ minus value created with each solution, the waste, the toxins (accidents) subtracted from PLUS value creation. Money alone .. profit, creates a simple .. tunnel vision STUPID answer. What about the toxins that pollute the water or workers? What is that LONG term value when the money is gone? the COST may be far higher then the paper $ created. Multipliers work both stove and negative. A SMILE can make someone's day, an investment in the HUMAN stock market. When everyone CONTRIBUTES for the greater good (civility?) the human stock VALUE exchange increases. But destroying workers health through disrespect and irresponsibility decreases the value of our human stock EXCHANGE by multipliers! There is no more +/- simplicity! Both PLUS value and minus value can have MULTIPLIERS. They can be GOOd or BAD cancerous contagions. We need to start to ACCOUNT for ALL the effects of our behaviour. If we do this accounting with ALL our behaviour it becomes second nature.
examples .. re car traffic.
biz rules .. new accounting .. look for partners
list ..
How do we value our work? safety? over nite (harms health)? skill needed, strength and exhaustion
at the Arsenal, ?Rikers
Copyright © 2024 The BANK of REAL Human VALUE - All Rights Reserved.
I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.