Tues. Aug 6, 2024, 9:00 am.
Demonizing = WAR. We are now in perpetual battle with each other .. citizens of the same country we pledge love for. Are we so brain dead we do not even see this is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR in ANY way?? !!
The CAUSE of all our problems is INABILITY to discuss! WE are no longer ABLE to be CIVIL! .. To LISTEN and LEARN from the "OTHER" with the AIM of balance and MODERATION is LOST, destroyed like every resource we had! "Compromise" means FAIR to each side. We have lost the ability for that CIVIL BEHAVIOUR! Or at least Left brains have! While Right brains die of panic.
I suggest it is because the myriad of TOXINS our "progress" has created .. are destroying our RIGHT brain THINKING wiring. It is unbelievable how people like JLP (. ) get a following yet people with REAL DEPTH OF THINKNG go unheard! REAL HUMAN INTELLIGENCE is KNOWING you know nothing .. that there isALWAYS more to learn! Left brains are "KNOW it ALLS" yet accuse us Thinkers of the worst of everything. Living in a community of Left Action "beings" can be very destructive. We start to think we are the problem. Yet we are the ONLY ONES trying to find REAL solutions! I think JLP's people believe "thoughts and FEELINGS" are the devil? ONLY a person disabled from the ABILITY to THINK EMPATHETICALLY considering OTHERS well being .. would believe such a thing! Left brains simplify because the complex layers of THINKNG creates chaos and confusion. This THINKNG STUFF feels like an ENEMY to the WARRIOR Left brain. They seem evil but are actually DISABLED! Damn! it is easier to WAR (murder) evil people!
But these action devoid of THINKNG layers people are destroying our HUMAN Family and HOME. ("Drill baby drill" .. how about calculate the REAL VALUE of continued depletion of coal and oil resources?) Simplifying humanity to POWER and PROFIT has been more and more destructive over the last 7 decades. Now we are at breakneck speed to our destruction. This is either insanity or sheer STUPIDITY. To use the Left brain to ACT .. without first PONDERING consequences with the RIGHT WIRING is too stupid a behaviour to continue existence. AT lest for HUMANS. I suggest the only Left brain "being" spectrum leads to ZOMBIE (stupid) or devil (greed). If we want to. survive DYSTOPIA .. we must eliminate zombies and evil. Hopefully they can still SEE real value, and use our Right brain resource and we work together????? The FEAR of their concern of the POLY CRISIS (link) gives us hope.
Tues. Aug. 6, 2024, 10:00 am.
Destruction is the result of IRRESPONSIBLE disrespectful behaviour. We live in a HUMAN FAMILY and home and our lack of foresight has destroyed all factors NECESSARY FOR HEALTH! Why do you think people are killing people with abandon.? They have lost all hope trust and sense of ORDER in life. This is a human TIME BOMB about to explode. Why is this happening in little towns? 4 people shot .. 2 dead including shooter who killed self!??? People are so stressed they have LOST THEIR MIND. This was a decent man no one expected to DO such a thing!. No doubt he was one of us 1 of 5 who are extra sensitive to all of life. To us the world is not TORTUROUS. When we live tortured, we either commit suicide or LASH OUT. There is too much stress in collapse of systems for those more sensitive to continue to survive. Exploding humans is our future .. unless we are WILLING to step OUT of this "NONSENSE NOT NORMAL"!
"Concrete softens the brain and hardens the heart" from crawdad author .. so the contagious CANCER is also invading SMALL towns!
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Wed. July 17, 2024, 3:00pm.
To just scream at each other from opposite end is not NORMAL. Dividing and demonizing is not how HUMANS survived for millennia. WE had to CONNECT with there and ideas to keep moving forward. Complete disconnect and evolving into only battle will end our society. We are one species and should REMEMBER everything is DUAL. Everything is BOTH .. and .. things are not RIGHT vs wrong! They are GREY, life is complicated whether we like it or not. SIMPLIFYING and then SCREAMING will destroy us .. and VERY SOON.
Are we just babies? .. too lazy to calculate the BEST VALUE of a choice? Even HUGE choices "gun/ no gun", "abortion/ no abortion" could be civilly discussed and the VALUE TO HUMANS CALCULATED for the best choice, for the BEST QUALITY OF LIFE for the most people. But only LISTENING (with an open mind to HEAR), LEARNING from each other, THINKING AGAIN to RECONSIDER will allow the SURVIVAL of the human race. Are we grown up enough to take PERSONAL responsibility to only support good with our behaviour? Like little children we supported amazon.. "easy! fast! what I want! and I am special so I DESERVE!" Well then we DESERVE to live with the result, closure of local family businesses and a life of a delivery guy knocking on your door. Our desire for convenience has destroyed all the REAL factors that create quality of life. Shallow selfish thoughless behaviour has consequences and now we are living with them.
Are we able to make change, have discipline and REFUSE to supprt all things that create a HUMANLESS non community/? Unless we gain some self control immediately .. all our power will be gone to AI and robots. Sadly those in power also lost their brain. They forgot with no job .. there are no CUSTOMERS! A I and ROBOTS do not buy crap! Will we share our right thinkng brain Resource with others of Left action Resource to create what USED to be everyone's BALANCED BRAIN? Unless we start to act NORMAL human, caring for OTHERS well being not just SELF .. we are dead.
Wed. July 17, 2024, 6:00 pm. see image above .. 2 shells and layers of an onion as ?thinking.
Look at the image as though the ONION is a problem or idea being worked out. Problems are often "yes, do it" or "no, it is a bad idea". we could symbolize the cracle outer shell as one choice and the other is the elastic skin. Maybe red THINK people grap the cradle and Blue poliricians grab the inner elastic skin? Normal regular humans KNOW there is more to every stoy than 2 sides and THAT"S IT. Each side of the choice must be EVALUATED. That symbolizes alll the layers of ideas of the actual onion. We are LAZY .. just grab the simple shells! But that does NOT create a good meal. So our conveyor belt of onions is just the waste of shells with no real "meat" in our life!
We have gotten so SHALLOW or selfish we just grab the crisp outer shell. Or we take the opposite idea and stick with the elastic skin, DEMONIZING the other. But things are NOT black and white .. they are very much GREY! WE need to calculate the VALUE of each opposite side, and then chose the one with the most VALUE (plus) for the most people. Those who are MORE affected by the decision also receive more VALUE in the decision. It is a Life Ledger that includes "WE/US" plus understanding past and imagining, future impact! No wonder all is CLLAPSING .. we grab simple shells and do not DO the hard work of sifting thru the layers of ideas in the decision.
When we just do whatever is best for "ME(mine), here, NOW", of course society will collapse. Decades forgeting HUMANS consider WE and US, not just ME have created a disastrous society. Profit goal instead of quality of life has only created chaos confusion and STRESS. So many are very stressed JUST trying to survive! With 2 jobs and commuting they do not even have the LUXURY of time to THINK. If we did we would never have supported only profit as the goal of DUMBocracy. Going thru all the onion layers takes time and patience! We ahem neither .. plus we do love MORE, fast and easy. If you are STRESSED please join us and let's step out of STUPID into a NEW better way. Let's try and work thru ALL the onion layer ideas so we UNDERSTAND before we act in shallow selfish ways. With our respect. and responsibility for all the life Ldegers espec. WE/ US (the common and greater good) humans can NOT survive. You may be pretending all it takes is a positive attitude but sorry you can not destroy the HUMAN FAMILY and HOME and then just "think positive"! Surely that can not be the big CEO's (god?) reality. Create waste and toxins with complete disrespect .. and then just speak positively and it will all be fine. 🙈 .. 👿
Mon. July 15, 2024, 8:30 am.
It was supposed to be for "WE the PEOPLE" .. but now it is for we the POWER STRUCTURE and the people are just DISRESPECTED "slaves" soon to be replaced by A I and robots. Did we really think voting once every few years would keep everything good. We became SHEEP and just followd along with whatever. Sadly our shepherds mindlessly only moved us to pROFIT and its MORE, easier faster. Quality of life or TOTAL HUMAN Health got completely forgotten. We finally focused on our physical wealth and found DRUGS for "mental" while we destroyed every factor that MAKES UP our HUMAN Health.
The power structure has PROFIT and we have MORE, easier and faster but we have lost our TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH. Physical health can only exist when life is orderly and SOMEWHAT calm. Without some sense of calm we can never be healthy. The factors that create a sense of calm are:
The last terrifies those only interested in $$ .. those with tunnel vision to NOTHING but paper "money" or gold coins. They are DISABLED and have lost SIGHT of the real VALUE of life. The only VALUE for humans is collecting and connecting to share and trade our needs. We feel Unstressed because we receive but GOOD about ourselves because we CONTRIBUTE. It is a BALANCE of calm factors that create QUALITY of LIFE. Instead we have never ending STRESS .. that goes nowhere but a vicious circle of more stress.
How does paying the people FAIRLY .. who MAKE YOUR PROFIT for you equate to communism? How does making QUALITY products to reduce waste and depletion of resources, equate to socialism? We can see this ILLOGIC helps prove those in power have lost the THINKING part of their brain.
All the diversity NONSEMSE is great to separate us. We are easier to control by he few in charge when we are separated. STOP FALLING FOR THE CRAP those uncharge feed us. GROW UP! No daddy whether in the shape of Biden or Trump will save us. Think about this! How stupid have we become to hate each other over a stupid man who can not even run the human family HOME to function without now falling apart. We have put nothing into the future , lived inly for NOW. And they live for 4 years and you "vote" in a new daddy. WE HAVE TO BE IN CHARGE. By our daily behaviour! We have to GROW UP .. stop expecting :daddy: to fix it. WE have to QUIT the CRAP .. act like RESPONSIBLE respectful humans. If we are FAIR and decent to everyone .. why the hell do I care who you sleep with ? I friggin do not CARE about your LGBQRSTUZVXX. I was never mean to you wench GAY! Meantime while we CELEBRATE gay .. our HUMANfamily is DYING and our HUMAN HOME is burning. PRIORITIES PEOPLE! If you are still a THINKING Human and not an ACTION ZOMBIE .. please start WORKING this new SYSTEM.
Do you seriously think Biden OR Trump make your world? WE make our world by accepting or REJECTING every day choices. WE just followed along and let the phone SCEEN take over our lives. And now the % g is further destroying our brain. But we are too stupid (BRAIN DEPLETED) to even UNDERSTAND what connected all the time with microwaves does tour BODY and BRAIN. WE just follow along like little children or SHEEP, while thos of us who still have a THINKNG brain yell we will DIE .. but no zombies listen. We have gone from little SHEEP onto a zombie scale. A Human with no MIND or "heart" is not human but just a being. Is the zombie mob=vie our life and we never noticed? Our Brain is where we think before we act. But we have not done that especially over the last 50 years. THINKNG with our RIGHT brain BEFORE we act is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to keep us from killing ourselvse! (mcgillchrst)
Had parents of kids BEEN parents and taught CIVIL decent FAIRNESS FORST TO OTHERS we would no be in this ENTITLED "I am SPECIAL, I have RIGHTS!" mess.
NOTHING is working
Mon. July 15, 2024, 7:30 pm.
Everything and every one is connected. UNITED whether we like it or not! Our systems and things are connected everything in nature is connected whether we want to face it or not! We connect either GOOD or bad! Now we connect only in TOXIC divise demonizing ways. STUPID .. just ridiculous idiocy. We can not SHARE human intelligence! We just scream fro 2 sides. So stupid! We live in a toxic soup, a SPOILED SOUP connection instead of DELICIOUS 5 star chef-iness. INTERESTING!! Thanks Trump .. he talked about UNITY today .. and I can not see him as UNIFIER, of other than HIS idea. very tunnel vision. But we are unified .. just in tearing each other down! With our civilization COLLAPING might it not be smart to CONNECT positively? unify as HUMANS not stupidd right and left. When we do divide with politics it means our right THINKNG brain is missing. If we were using our THINKNG brain we would see we should put US first not me or even we. US .. HUMANS should be our ONLY connection. What is best for HUMANS .. not even just America. Did 9-11 happened because we put America first .. instead of HUMANS. Netanyahu is surely mot putting HUMAN first. sorry it is eveil to willingly harm others. WE have to start a WAR against evil .. willingness to harm others for self is evil. If they are killing you .. it is self defense bit that is NOT what our wars are about. Our Wars are weird. This LAST war is not weird. Left brains are destroying civilization by tunnel vision to "me/mine here now."
Instead let's connect in a HUMAN Family and home .. and make it what we always wanted, a calm and joyful FAMILY!
DUALITY is everything! Everything is connected and yet both good AND bad! When we went EXTREME we destroyed the BALANCE of DUALITY. Each opposing idea in DUALITY (good AND bad) most be COMPROMISED. We can see the problem with the Trump side only with ABORTION. If you do not want one fine, why are you forcing me to raise a child? That is 60 or more years of WORRY and concern, today PANIC. Who gave you the right to punish me so drastically for a brief mistake?
Yet .. if we DISCUSS things with RESPECT, After 50 +years I have CHANGED my mind (I was closed minded before and could not HEAR until I respected the person speaking. I would now have the child, not drink, eat nutritious .. but those republicans better have a perfect orphanage there for that baby I grew for them! A fetus is not a HUMAN .. that takes nurturing and care .. and too many of us never got that and then we STRUGGLE!
So if even my very strongest "NO!!" in life can be reversed .. why can we not ALL LISTEN to each other, HEAR our differing ideas, Mull through them, try to understand and then COMPROMISE respectfully. We can do it!! If I could do it anyone can .. I was raging on don't you force me to have a child with a lifetime of responsibility and worry!" EVERYTHING is both good and bad, right and wrong. GREY is the answer .. never black and white. MODERATION is the compromise we must WORK on. No more fast and easy. Patience and calm discussion. we are too damn lazy and will destroy our civilization very soon.
Biden and Judge (Bader Ginsberg?) put SELF before country! Judge just dismissed Trump Documents case.
(Thanks handsome TTC (security?) man, Queen Broadview ..just BEFORE assassination attempt.
,Right wrong trump documents.
LAW LESS is actually good. The law is now so complicated it is STUPID and makes no sense. Being absolved from in trouble taking home White House stuff and storing it everywhere is Trumps idea of starting with UNITY! NO .. even with NO LAW .. You do not TAKE home the PEOPLE's documents, the COUNTRY's records! and then refuse to return them, like a stupid brat kid! we do not need laws or courts or "justices" to calculate the right wrong GREY of that!
One LAW .. FAIR!
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.