Mon. Aug 12, 2024, 3:30 pm.
Seriously? must be 15, even 20 years ago or MORE .. I said how the heck is it FAIR real Estate agents STIL get 6 % of the cost of my house when in 1974 it was worth $45,000, then 75, and a few years later $120,000. Today that house would be at least a million! (prob way more) So the work my sister did to sell houses in the 1960's, the SAME work now gets paid like 10 -15X as much .. and that is FAIR? (Who even knew we could NEGOTIATE the 6 % .. BUT no doubt they would not accept 2%, since the price is 10 x as much.) So now I hear in 2024 they have quit the 6% .. new Laws FINALLY?? Really?? .. what I saw as STUPID a few decades ago .. is only NOW being rectified? What the hell is wrong with this place. WE are stupid as hell SHEEP! BUT .. if we lived with DECENT humans these thongs would not HAPPENED! Sadly it is not as simple as I thought these BAD toward EVIL humans can not THINK. They are BRAIN DISABLED!
SO BANKS ARE EVIL or stupid .. let's create our OWN! Are there NOT SELFISH old people who will invest. Nah .. I see Boomers as OBLIVIOUS and therefore SELFISH.
Plus when your house increases in value, the next one just costs more! Did you even once think the interest I paid on a 50,000 house EVEN at 20% at the time .. is probably LESS than 3% on a house "VALUE" .. 30 or 40 x MORE. Same house we bought in mid 1970's at $45,000 with a HUGE lot and 2 car garage? .. Today is probably 2 million! 🙈 Nope I bet not one person thought of how the banks have made off like BANDITS while we marvelled how much MORE our house was worth. sorry .. we are BRAIN DEADE ZOMBIES. Little sheep (Phone faced) led by shepherd's leading us to their SLAUGHTER by now. Only they have been too stupid to even notice they were destroying our entire Human FAMILY and HOME!😱
(And I can't even pay bills on time or get my clothes washed or teeth brushed .. you know .. like NORMAL managing my life!! 🤪 But yet all around me is idiocy?? .. guess because we already lost our COMMON SENSE by 1995? (PK Howard).
There is a new building downtown maybe for a decade under construction .. I whined about its old farm market being destroyed. Finally it's nearing completion, but needs $10 million more to complete already $14 million over city budget. I am supposed to pay for that nonsense (rich people don't pay much tax) when without a doubt it is the ugliest building EVER? maybe LESS ugly would have been cheaper .. and who paints a building ORANGE? (sorry orange .. no offence. 🍊)
Exactly what will we then put our GARBAGE IN? just buy bags .. eee iyh, stupidity! Worse "quit making garbage" as we go to complete daily delivery of instant food in pitch out containers. You lucky I am NOT god .. I would wipe us off earth .. too stupid to deserve LIFE!
Simple solution was .. instead of 15 cents for plastic bag for groceries charge me MORE but give me a BIODEGRABLE or compostable bag!! PROBLEM SOLVED. The bag falls apart but because I pay more I WILL try to reduce the garbage I put in landfill. We say "sustainable" as this FOOD delivery in pitch out dish and silverware EVERY DAY goes insane. We really are TOO STUPID TO LIVE. Let's quit with the entitled food! Who the hell do we think we are? such entailed little greedy brats. Go back to pioneer not WORLD transported food! .. just local. I survived fine enjoying the fruits of our OWN land! We THINK we are SO SPECIAL .. but have no brain to think.
Rich people are just BETTER
Mon. July 22, 2024, 9:00 pm.
.. if you yell at me for this .. GO AWAY .. you are a badly behaved human heading to zombie! 🤬 Stay in your dystopia! we Decent FAIR HUMANS are going to try to REBUILD quality of life for all .. NOT just the screaming selfish monsters. HAH! because we are quiet and decent .. we always LOSE! NO MORE! Decent FAIR humans are taking over!
If someone came to me, and told me my always screaming child was destroying their quality of life .. I would be shocked and tone down my too loud child. No wonder these kids are horrible monsters! .. judging from the parent's reaction. I guess that is the second parent who said I should move. Unbelievable 😱.. !))% we have lost our humanity never mind CIVILITY. If I was just a bitch complaining about kids .. I would deserve it .. but this is RIDICULOUS TORTOUS SCREAMING constantly .. not the exuberance of LOUD kids. I can not even imagine being so selfish as these parents, no wonder their kids are horrid. I am tortured by these beings screaming ALL the time, no normal happy fun kids, but torturous screaming.
(I keep wanting to copy that kind of scream for somebody who says I am mean, and then laugh when they get a panic attack from ONE time! 😈 But after 5 years I STILL can not DO it. We were raised to be CIVIL humans, which is gone today I guess!) I can't work because I always think there is a murder happening, can not open my windows or it is WORSE. This is completely UNCIVIL behaviour. But of course these children do not know how to be "HUMAN!" .. because the selfish parents are (oblivious to others) ZOMBIES. Wow and THIS woman was just a stranger not a school parent .. and that is her reaction. Do NOT birth a human if you are not going to do the WORK of it! (I love how southern bible belt people force birth (NO ABORTION!) and then give homeless people a TICKET for being homeless! Cruel on cruel! .. are they really that STUPID .. or pure evil?
Is there really any question we have gone ZOMBIE? Without the MIND and "heart "of the RIGHT BRAIN HEMISPHERE there is NO COMMON SENSE, and no HUMAN. Just 'beings" living in DYSTOPIA. Oh boy! I used to think rude young kids would have a hell society to live in! Guess time passed fast, and now I am myself LIVING in it! 👻
Tues. July 23, 2024, 2:30 pm.
This does NOT sound like caring about EVERYONE winning. AT least the workers who make the rich their profit should have shelter, food and FUN and be respected, IN Return. There should be RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN home taken before giving breaks to wealth. You can have your yachts and islands, but damn well PAY FAIR TAXES and create a win win for EVERYONE .. FIRST! This is very very depressing! (Musk giving 49 million$ a month?) we have to take over with our NEW win win SYSTEM. The old system is JUST NOT WORKING!
NO .. greatest Gen old lady.. we conserved saved did not WASTE anything!
terrorist ..netanyahu kills INNOCENT
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The book writers or questioners, the worriers and imaginative or creators .. we were busy THINKNG WONDERING QUESTIONG while the action people just went about DESTROYING the world. They did not just destroy earth they destroyed our HUAMN FAMILY! But those who never listened paid no attention,
Nobody does that for me! Am I surrounded by unable to THINK Left brains or have we ALL lost our mind. Our mind is the part of our brain that TRIES tot UNDERSTAND others ideas. This is no longer even possible because they just demonize us. Th ludicrousness of me being yelled at when I am admonishing INCIVILITY is pROOF we are on the way OUT. At least REAL Human are. Good humans that try to understand , see what the other needs and why they are behaving in such a way. I am sick of it. Why should I lear from you if you can not even REMOTELY lear fro me.
For example Abortion. EVIL is not allowing it and then fining homeless people for taking space on earth to sleep!! unbelievable!! unfinished writing
asylum? mars? .. or death. We gave you the choice to LISTEN here and learn. You can not go thru the world HARMING OUR Human Home and Family. In self defence we will have to KILL you .. even if you ARE brain disabled!
Thurs. July 11, 2024, 12:30 pm.
"Leashed" used to mean BESIDE THE DOG OWNER'S LEG, like less than a foot away from you! Now people think leashed means 6 ft from you, or even OFF LEASH. just carry one. You do not OWN 6 ft of space around you. I am NOT going to watch out for tripping through YOUR (leash) irresponsibility. If I fall because of YOUR ignorance of OTHER humans .. I will murder you. Not your dog .. murder you! People who are selfish are on the scale to evil. so it is time to start murdering evil. If I yell at you for behaving MEAN, you usually swear at ME, the CIVIL human. NOPE! INSANE BACKWARD WORLD has to stop. TOO Confusing .. I thought this world was for HUMANS, civil humans .. you know those with MIND and "heart"? It seems too many of us have LOST our mind and HEART. YOU are responsible FULLY for your dog, not us! Stop being a spoiled BRAT kid .. and act like a RESPONSIBLRE adult!
(Good luck to me!) .. Homeless people get a fine in many states for sleeping on 6 ft of grass or pavement but I guess dog owners OWN the world? Abortion is not allowed but if that fetus grows up struggling he is not allowed space to rest. This americanized world is too stage to endure for more and more of us. Suicide will start to increase EXPONENTIALLY
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.