Tues. July 9, 2024, 9:30 pm
If we each would just CONSIDER the other guy's well being FIRST, BEFORE we act .. then we HARM no one! But I guess my Phila Friend is right! We do not always KNOW what harms someone. I wonder if Left brain or even BALANCED Brain People learned about us HSP's, would they then be KINDER? HSP or ESP Extra or highly SENSITIVE people are sensitive to EVERYTHING! Noise, smells, even loud colours! It is hell! and then people hate you on top! But I was OLD when I realized noise does not really bother others, yet you steal my quality of life with your lack of care. WOW. I still never really understood this til now. YIKE! am I judging ignorant rude people who do not even MEAN to be selfish? They do not even UNDERSTAND they are torturing me! OH dear god .. is this why I spent my life trying to make the world better .. less shallow selfish people we must go to War with?? This is horrifying. Am I fighting a war against 80 % of people, and I just never really KNEW hw very NOT MAJORITY I am? I mean I knew I was weird since the 90's but is this fight against the masses I thought were all like me? OH OH .. I better quit and go bankrupt fast if I ever want to see NYC again. I just realized my web costs could give me like 3 trips to NYC! Damn I am an idiot!
Man, if I had known others were not like Highly sensitive people .. I would have understood why my kids always thought I created drama. (Like .. pack those groceries CORRECTLY, cashier, no smushing delicate stuff, or "please bring me an extra napkin" if I ordered a drippy sandwich, or "please clear this messy table before my desert is brought" (I should be trading waiters. Sorry, BUT the world would just work BETTER under my direction!) 😪 We ESP's are sensitive to EVERYTHING meaning the world is seriously TORTURE for us! We are NOT trying to be mean, or narcissist? .. we just SERIOUSLY are sensitive to EVERYTHING. Not like the person who is sensitive to perfume .. we are sensitive to EVERY sense and EVERYTHING overwhelms us. SO I guess we are always complaining! DAMN IT! WHY did I not KNOW this!! .. it would have made life much easier! Understanding is EVERYTHING. THEN .. we can be more empathetic .. or even understand why others DISLIKE US!
Tues July 9, 2024 9:39 pm.
While I tried to listen , learn and understand things and others .. everybody else just had a good time. They never even had the decency to LISTEN to my study of Everything.🤬 So can you blame me for being enrage a lifetime later?
OK this am there was a poor little dead CAT under a tree .. horrifying for an empathetic HSP. somy question is .. am I allowed to share to help ME feel better> or am I just bringing another down? That is the dilemma of life! Every action's VALUE should be CALCULATED before it is carried out! I do that math with everything and expect others to! If I miss something and harm someone who walked by I send the a message thru the either .. "I am so sorry that was mean of me". I hope t sinks into their spirit and they still have a good day. Yup .. I ma insane .. it to my what 6 decades to figure out nobody else cares. NAH .. that is not true .. I talk to so many people and they are 98% all really good humans. We see bad behaviour and forget 98 quiet people behaved with HUMANITY!
OK the MATH calculation for sharing the poor CAT story would go like this. Just follow my IMAGININGS please .. If you save my day by supporting my sadness, you gave me 10 points of your 100 energy points for the morning. But your kindness MULTIPLID TOSE POINTS removing their poison and I went on to help others through the day. Together we INCREASED our HUMAN VALUE LIFE LEDGER! You invested in my sadness, AND FELT GOOD ABOT BEING SUYPPORTIVE so your lose was not really 10 points because you felt good and gained value! OUR Human stock market INCREASES when we support each other. What do you think instead of police there were supporters in the (projects) would do? You would create happy successful good humans instead of stealing hope, trust and REAL order to life. Something is definitely wrong in how. we REDUCE the Human Value Life ledgers instead of all INVESTING to increase the VALU of our TOTAL HUMAN Health.
Wed. Aug. 14, 2024, 8:00 am.
Here is my traffic version of HUMAN VALUE Conservation Accounting vs simply $ stupidity. Traffic is the easiest explanation of HUMAN VALUE or conservation accounting. I walked CONSIDERING drivers well being, helping them get thru traffic if I could let them TURN LEFT while I slowed my pace. Saving drivers time, when I can help move traffic along by INVESTING 20 seconds, to save 45 sec. for 5 people is AWESOME VALUE CREATION>. THAT is the bank of HUMAN .. the HUMAN stock exchange that we can always make increase. If each of us INVESTS whenever we can, then when we NEED something we can FAIRLY DESERVEDLY take our share. We move from a "TAKE (and give only WASTE and TOXINS" society, to a "GIVE and TAKE less" society. 🤔 HMM .. I think maybe I am looking at this as more like INSURANCE vs socialism or a "welfare"?? Welfare has made too many of us think "I'm special, I need to GET .." I received DISABILITY for PTSD, ADD, and especially Bipolar. I would far rather society had taken the ADVANTAGES of these "weirdnesses" and used them as RESOURCES. Attention deficit disorder can be flipped to OCD .. an insane focus on only ONE THING. For me it was why can't we create a SYSTEM that makes life FAIR for everybody? If I agonize 18 hours a day on that why not USE it .. it can be a GREAT VALUE .. or called weird. In stupid world it was called weird and yet running humans like a FAMILY (Home Economics) is actually quite brilliant. The old family was a GREAT ECONOMIC SYSTEM that worked great involving neighbours and the village as PARTNERS. Just connect this microcosm as a MACROCOSM WORLD!
I CREATED NEW VALUE giving the 5 drivers 45 seconds more, all because I slowed from crossing while they turned left while there was no oncoming traffic. I invested 20 seconds wait but CREATED like 3!! MINUTES for other humans! So my investment increased our stock market VALUE by 10x's!!! That is an AWESOME return! Yet everyone is in their own world and never thinks of life that way! Not just SAD .. but is now causing the total COLLAPSE of our Human Sick Exchange or our HUMANITY. Parents used to TEACH CIVILITY .. but now RESPONSIBLE parenting is replaced by a screen. Just how far do we think we will get by only TAKING from our stock market? When we INVEST nothing eventually we GET nothing! Start thinkng of our HUMAN FAMILY as something you INVEST in.
Sadly people no longer even have a NUCLEAR FAMILY! That means mom dad and kids! We have a collection of phone faced sheep led by the shepherds of corporate greed. The shepherd are ONLY leading us to the slaughter of CONSUMPTION and depletion of resources. A REAL FAMILY CONTRIBUTES to itself but also receives. Westerners no longer know how to do that. Do kids still do TASKS? Never mind in return for living at home once adult .. how about teaching CONTRIBUTION when little? I bet NO "PARENT" does that today. WOW, for a grouchy old person .. I guess EVERY SINGLE THING IS FAKE TODAY!! (maybe even women .. they used to be nurturing and caring .. but screaming selfish women's libbers turned loving nurturing women feeling guilty they did not want to MANGE the world. Women's lib helped us lose our best value! 🙈 Yup I am MASS going to be in trouble for THINKNG in our "evil world". The people with a few layers of brain think left will be screaming and CANCELLING me so bad. How sad .. what a joke "FREE SPEACH" is. We may as well put quotations on everything .. because in this world all we believe is a JOKE. Everything is shallow selfish and completely TWISTED into INAUTHENTIC!
Wed. Aug. 14, 2024, 8:30 am.
This morning I put 2 beer cans by the sport field garbage. I know people go around collecting and did not want to waste them in recycle. Pitiful that people have to collect 5 cents!! 😓. Took me 5 minutes to come back from getting coffee .. they were GONE! So sad .. if I had even LESS money, I would need 40!!!! beer can collected and carried to the beer store to buy my coffee that keeps me going in the world. That is ENTIRELY DISGUSTING. What kind of a society does that to other humans? So they do not have the normal skills, that does not make them garbage. Me being on disability makes me garbage but I can TELL you had I been ij charge I could have run the world BETTER. (Just be a FAIR decent human .. put others before self to HARM NO ONE and share FAIR. Simple one law is all we need! plus respect for more than SELF, and REAL personal responsibility to manage our MANY RESOURCES.
2:30 pm.
Back to the beer cans .. I got stuck on $$$ value this am. and felt SAD for the person needing 10cents!! But what about the GOOD that person is doing? I want them in MY GOOD HUMAN community. They are preventing waste and Multiplier Toxins going into the soil and water! This is what EVERYTHING CONNECTS means. I had the last part idea years ago. I would see a collector person and give them 5$ and a "word medal". "Thank you so much for helping save the environment or earth. If I had more $ I would give you more .. because you are a good THOUGHTFUL human!" It cheered them and they felt good about themselves.
This is the VALUE of our human stock market exchange. But with lost civility and now lost HUMANITY our HUMAN Stock exchange is COLLAPSING! I may not have had much money .. but for a bit I gave that man more than $! He received and felt PRIDE in HIMSELF. So even thought I rant about a new ACCOUNTING SYSTEM calculating REAL HUMAN TOTAL VALUE we are very used to thing only about money. Especially recently this has almost destroyed ANY quality of life. "How to be happy" is amusing and only possible for oblivious shallow selfish LEFT brains. It is so sad to research left right brain. No one has learned from McGikchrist and is stuck in OLD NONSENSE. His update explains EVERYTHING, but do we learn. when King wrote "THE STAND" he knew "we NEVER LEARN" .. but that was in 1976. We have had 50 years even more reduced common sense and MORE brain wiring DESTRUCTION. People who feel good about themselves and respected and valued do NOT do harm. Crime is a result of unfair receiving. Eventually you QUIT CONTRIBUTING .. you just TAKE whatever you can.
but with a digital LEDGER SYSTEM .. yes, kind of like the dystopian tracking systems but for GOOD. Be decent or 3 strikes and off the planet with you (or at least out of our gated community.)
omg .. unlike stocks that are just THINGS .. our HUAM stock exchange is living conscious HUMANS. The THEY are unfair it is more hurtful! When you buy a lottery ticket and LOSE there might be SOME "not fair" feeling because it seems JERKS mostly win in life. (see magic magnet). But when people keep being mean and NOT FAIR to Mei eventually get angry and then enraged. If I am a THINKER that lives in the wWE/ US Ledger everyone else's NOT FAIR is piled in with my own. So no wonder NICE OLD people become MEAN and grouchy. I am SICK TO DEATH of not FAIR! Have your yachts and mansions, we don't care! Just pay your workers FAIR, do NOT pollute, pay your taxes , make decent products that LAST and still be PHILANTHROPIC.
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.