Mon. Aug. 12, 9:00 pm.
Plus .. the WORSHIP of fast and easy. Never mine RESPECT or PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and careful RESOURCE CONSERVATION. Our society became based on USING everything, not just wastefully .. but also creating contagious cancerous TOXINS! We even use WORKERS wastefully destroying their health with utterly NO RESPECT for their well being. Somehow letting part time work not be paid or respected has destroyed security AND stability. People can not even get together with friends and family because life is so confusing and chaotic. But never mind I want my brain frying convenience food delivered in 30 min even late at nite. Everything connects, so OUR BEHAVIUR creates the world we exist in. If we just follow along like sheep .. good luck. But that is what we did! Our shepherd were only leading us to the slaughter of consumption vs respectful CONSERVATION!
Sat. Aug. 10, 2024, 10:00 am.
Humans survived for millennia by living in CONNECTED COMMUNITES of sharing and trading FAIRLY. Capitalism was great to give more OPPORTUNITY. But once it turned to greed or evil, it became destructive of the ENTIRE HUMAN FAMILY and HOME. Productivity too was great to reduce any waste and increase profit .. but taken EXTREME, everything turns EVIL. So our ONE commandment or LAW is be FAIR! Consider allotters and earth in every behaviour! Manners were to crate civil society. We gave up manners and then CIVIL SOCITY where we consider the Common and Greater good FIRST. Tesla's "3/6/9 circle pyramid" can be the basis of TOTAL Human Health .. we QUIT all part except 3 one .. "ME!! mine". Such shallow selfish behaviour heading to STUPID and EVIL can only destroy EVERYTHING.
We made the mistake of worshipping $$! Money to survive should NOT be the sole focus of our day! Especially while some have millions while we WORKERS who made them their wealth .. are dying of struggle! We have to REVERSE the nonsense, and we only have like a few months to do so. The selfish stupidity that runs our world is set to have A I and robots take over. Our Power Structure is too brain dead to recognize ROBOTS DO NOY BUY STUFF! I guess they have enough wealth they do not need us. But workers and THINKERS are what make the world INTERESTING. Imagine Trump and his simple capitalist evangelical actions is all there is. What a BORE. Instead of the "I am saved! .. because I believe, and other humans are evil" our belief is we should each be like god .. he made us in his image and when we are treated FAIRLY we are GOOD Humans regardless of "saved". A good human that is going to heaven for sure .. is KIND and CARING of others. Strange how the "saved" religions tend to look after SELF and divide and demonize others. Even missionaries .. isn't that arrogant? Those prove peoples NEVER destroyed others and our earth home! 🤔 ..🤬
When a Thinker (Right brain) or BALANCED BRAIN human acts, they first CONSIDER how their behaviour will affect OTHERS! This is the basis of CIVIL SOCIETY! But city concrete and our disconnect of EVERYTHING, has "softened our brain, and HARDENED our 'heart' ". (from the Crawdad author) Our MIND and "heart" are decaying, resulting in the LOSS of civil society. A society focused on "ME!mine, here, NOW!" can ONLY decay. Our civility has decreased faster and faster in the last 20 years. "face in phone, ears elsewhere" has taken us OUT of creating a civil society. Without it .. EVERYTHING declines, ORDER and with it TRUST and with that HOPE. A hopeless for FAIR society BECOMES bad. Good humans give up and take what they can.
Good humans living in constant stress just to SURVIVE became selfish and shallow. Pushed further by unfairness and injustice Good Right brain worriers start to lash in (suicide or addiction) or we lash out in rage. At this point a chaotic civil war with no real enemy will begin. At least if you learn McGilchrist's Left brain work you know who the enemy is. But that "evil" is really just a brain disable being, UNABLE to think. We expect Trump and his people to LISTEN, LEARN more, SEE and understand .. but they are BLIND and DEAF! Their brain can actually not UNDERSTAND deeper details of problems. Problems are OPPORTUNITY FOR PROFIT and power "success"
Our certified coaches will help you identify and achieve your wellness goals, whether it's losing weight, improving sleep, or reducing stress. Let us guide you on your journey to optimal health!
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Added. Sat, July 13, 2024, 7:15 am.
We no longer ADD to the world .. we TAKE and GIVE or return only WASTE and TOXINS. This is the way toward destruction and collapse. We must have lost our mind LONG ago .. because this makes NO SENSE. When we pit the natives into "learn the WHITE way" we SHOULD HAVE been learning from THEM! They managed nicely for millennia, we destroyed everything in LESS than 250 years! Either we go back to a HUMAN circle discussing CIVILLY around the fire Humans are dead. And stop blaming the cosmos or apocalypse. We caused the END, take responsibility!!
We either work TOGETHER as one CONNECTED (species) .. or DIE "special" and entitled. If we can still look at us from above .. big picture, we are ridiculous. Buy an electric car to save energy, but transport all our crap even FOOD, across the world (that does not use much energy). 🙈 Eat a plant burger because those cows create problems, (but it's ok to throw all our "dishes" away everyday, with our fast food or take out) 🙈 Support SUSTAINABILITY, while we use the cloud for everything with destructive batteries and energy depleting toxin creating server farms. If you look at us like you are an angel above .. ACTUALLY see what we DO all connected .. you quickly see we are INSANE .. at the very least SHALLOW (stupid) and SELFISH (evil).
But we are unable to SEE big picture, we no longer CONNECT everything TOGETHER. Not just HUMANS are disconnected but even IDEAS. Kale or Yoga or mindfulness will NEVER save us. UNLESS we CONNECT all our stupid behaviours we think we are just fine and blame some outside occurrence for our decline. Our Decline is caused by US .. US quitting all CONNECTION! DIS-Connection of people, systems, especially IDEAS .. is what caused our DECAY and now very immediate total collapse. IF we JOIN together and LISTEN to hear each others ideas and we ACT for US not ME .. we could still save ourselves. maybe the creator will pity our stupidity?
How about instead of fake crap names we start we start REAL AUTHENTIC TRUE value accounting. ACOOUNTING for all value including WASTE, TOXINS and MULTIPLIERS
Are we smart orRESPONSIBLE enough to take that time and energy. I think not .. but PLEASE please prove me wrong by joining our FAIR certified REVERSE world .. as in REAL .. TRUE .. vs fake phone lies. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is FOR we ha people. Or ta least for those of us that are still HUMAN. I guess there is confusion still in my mind too. The world is made by zombies
Sugar screens and stress have fried our brain. It seems that right hemisphere THINKNG brain is more sensitive to decay? Thinkng is now even demonized by those that are UNABLE to think past the outer onion shells. Problems are like onions. you have to peel through all the layers to get to the heart of a solution. But we are too lazy and just grab the crackle shell "GUN!" .. or else the elastic inner shell "NO Gun!" and divide and demonize. Listening, Hearling Learning and reconsidering is MUCH harder than demonizing. It takes time and patience which we do not have! So "ZOMBIE Spectrum" is the value of zombieness of a person. If you still can think thru the onion layer complexity to find a BALANCED answer you are still human. Too many are zombies because they are stressed and overwhelmed. It is easy to become selfish and SHALLOW (stupid?) when you work 2 jobs and commute 3 hours per day. So if you are just a bit OBLIVIOUS because too overloaded to THINK .. please join us .. use our thinkng pratenience.
Wed. July 10, 2024, 8:30 pm.
We give worth to all the wrong things. But this has become the obsession of our society. "PROGRESS" at all costs, but for 50 years that "progress" has become less and less for the HEALTH OF HUMANS! Our progress is now only for the corporation and their stock price. Our quality of life has steadily DECLINED. There has to be a better way to live .. and we are going to build a TEMPLATE for it together. Inventions used to be important and of value but we began to invent smaller and less special things. The printing press was amazing, and then Henry Ford's Car for everyone. yet with his amazing contribution things began to go downhill. The SPECIALIZATION of his assembly line got taken far too extreme over the next decades. His idea of selling the car over time probably started credit which has killed us. No GOOD deed goes unpunished would seem true. I wonder what Henry Ford's spirit thinks of our world.
The car began our desire for mobility and the "pay over time" was wonderful for a large purchase, but has now destroyed us .. we wait for NOTHING. we take EVERYTHING extreme and it would seem this is the MAIN reason for our decline. Only more new matters leaving us with a lot of garbage waste that turns toxic. We have no respect and take no responsibility. Maybe society is collapsing because we have turned into little spoiled children never parented to be THINKING responsible CITIZENS? Can we go back to being personally RESPONSIBLE, patient and careful how our behaviour affects our HUMAN FAMILY and our Home? We became "ME/ mine, here, NOW" focused and it has destroyed everything around us. Can we go bak to a NORMAL HUMAN FOCUS of WE and US considering past cause and future consequence? Hopefully we are able to SACRIFICE the nonsense we have become used to .. and get NORMAL agin.
TOTAL Human Health or base quality of life to start, beats $$ any day. Would you rathe have a million $ or physical Health because you have ALL the factors needed for HUMAN Health ?
WHAT? You chose the million $? Trick question ..🤬 GO! Get out! Off the planet with you. To live together in harmony and fun we NEED all these things, NOT any stupid $. 👿 Come back when you think before you chose.
"I'm SPECIAL! I have RIGHTS!" No! You have NO rights, until you take RESPONSIBILITY for we/ uS FIRST! You have the responsibility to be RESPECTFUL of others, not selfish, and the responsibility to THINK of others FIRST .. NOT be selfish.
Natural, NORMAL was HUMANS taking RESPONSIBILITY, and having RESPECT for our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME. We managed on earth for millennia! What happened that in 200 some years ?America destroyed the civilization they tried to build? Once we got too entitled expecting SPECIAL uniqueness in EVERYTHING .. it was downhill from there. It seems we thought "I'm special, I have RIGHTS!" was all that mattered. We need CONVENIENCE in everything and EXPECT no CONTRIBUTION is necessary. But we have it backwards, it is us that should have been RESPECTFUL and taken responsibility for all things HUMAN FAMILY and HOME. Of course our shepherds (or daddy) just wanted us buying garbage but why did we just follow along like little sheep. Can we not even SEE this phone nonsense is DESTROYING US? people need a DOG to connect with each other? What happened to our BRAIN? (Sugar screens and STRESS destroyed especially our Right THINKNG brain wiring.) We manage to get things DONE .. but sadly it is all BANDAIDS and siloes solving no problem successfully.
We quit that part, and jumped straight into whatever could make sales and PROFIT. So we needed up creating enormous WASTE and multiplier TOXINS. I have this feeling had we been respectfl "the Maker" would have taken pity on us and let some of the toxic or hate slide. I feel like it is our disrespect that must be sad for the Leo that DEVEKOPED our universe. (Listen the devlopers who created this complex are TERRIBLE. I think the guy who DEVEOPED the cosmos was pretty amazing! imagine if he made the sky red and grass black. that would be hell.
Everything in NATURE works .. and we turn around and ABNORMAL everything. we did that by taking EVERYTHING extreme. Women's Lib was great.. choose if we do not want to stay at home. But it was HIJACKED to make us ff=eel we were lazy or losers to stay home. EXCUSE ME? There is no more important job than PARENTING .. raising responsible respectful CITIZENS! WE see where broken family, no parenting has gotten us! Monster kids that scream all the time and leave their litter in total disrespect. This breakdown of NATURAL family was the beginning of the end. Since I graduated in 1070 every decade had=s gone downhill faster. You better grab my wisdom before it is gone. I was more a Greatest gen WAR Effort person than a Boomer. we boomers did so much damage to NORMAL. And here we are .. I am DEMONIZED for saying "normal!" .. yes I have not been normal (Bipolar) but I do know what a NORMAL HUMAN is .. and it is NOT US. We long ago quit thinking about consequences of actions. Plus contemplating CAUSES of problems creates no profit .. so we sell BANDAIDS for everything! (especially health as in DRUGS)
Kindness and caring beats money any day. To have hope, to be able to TRUST, to feel life has ORDER and we have some control is FAR MORE VALUABLE than giving me some money? That could be how we discover if someone fits our CLUB membership. Would a Left brain rathe have lots of money than a HUMAN SYSTEM of FAIR quality of life? But our HUMAN life Ledgers are considering WE and US not simply me and mine. Unless we consider others plus time (cause/ past, consequence /future) and space (earth and the cosmos) we will slowly kill everything. What I do here can be toxic in the North Pole! The lint from our acrylic clothes is in the drinking water of kids in Iceland. We did evil .. and we never even knew it!! But we just blindly USED everything up with a mindset of MORE bigger faster .. not a RESPECTFUL of our resources mindset. How did conservation become a forgotten word? so sad.
This alone is our death. People are not just disconnected they are divided into hundreds of enemies. WE are so stupid (SSS Virus brain dead) we do not even SEE how we simplify everything. Ideas and ACTIONS are all connected into our HUMAN Health .. our quality of life. yet we merrily DIS connected EVERYTHING. There are books on Kale and on arthritis or on diet but very few on TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH. Just the Blue zones which only has me thinking I should MOVE. Can we RECONNECT everything so we HAVE quality of life here? If you join our Reverse World club that is our main mission .. reconnect HUMANS and their ideas. We could have done that with the internet .. instead we didi the exact opposite probably because we focused on ADVERTISING instead of creating the best ENCYCLOPEDIA EVER. If only I ran the world!! 🙈
oblivious STUPID .. or selfish toward evil?
Wed. July 10, 2024, 8:30 am
Think about it! That is how Pioneer times were managed. The "bank" was the General Store. You left your extra strawberries, and then when you ran out of potatoes there were someone else's you RECEIVED in return as FAIR TRADE. In the OMG .. I have so much to learn about banking and stock exchange. beginning, they never used money, just traded amongst themselves with FAIR exchange sometimes at a LATER date. Strange how they managed to build the foundation of a country with NONE of our nonsense siloes of DISCONNECT! 🤣 We think we are so SMART .. but the pioneers would put us to SHAME. Let's try that same SPIRIT again now!
Unless we do something very different than our extreme, IRRESPONSIBLE, lazy behaviour .. sorry to shock you .. we are DEAD. At least those of us who still have a THINKING brain .. worried GOOD Humans will DIE of stress. Zombies will continue to "exist" in their dystopia. If too far on the spectrum of selfish and shallow we get BAD humans. And if mindless and HEARTLESS you lose your humanity .. zombie status. If you are just STRESSED oblivious to others, please join us. Let's act like pioneers and pool ALL our resources (skills, energy, interests) and like the pioneers build a WHOLE NEW SYSTEM based on the general store and sharing and trading FAIRLY. No! not communism .. just revised to be FAIR capitalism. So the BANK of HUMANS is also a HUMAN stock exchange of SHARING and trading, where each of us CONTRIBUTES .. but also RECEIVES shelter, food and fun. We replace money with ALL the things a human needs to have QUALITY of LIFE .. or TOTAL HUMAN Health.
Maybe we should call it a warehouse or a VAULT?? But a bank is where we think all the importance of life is kept. Nothing in the bank means no shelter and no food! Of course it is the thing of most value for us! Whoever said "money isn't everything" had LOTS .. and may have been evil. (cooking poorly paid employees to
OMG so much to learn re banking and stock exchange. But when I first joined the "Inventor's groups" .. it is generally the people who KNOW LITTLE that change things. They are not clouded by the fences of what already is?
Whatever we call our SYSTEM, it is based on TOGETHER we have all we need to survive nicely. We SHARE, TRADE or EXCHANGE our needs .. but FAIRLY. That is where the life difficulty comes in. It was naive of me to thinl it is simple "just be FAIR". CALCULATING FAIR is the difficulty of life. Living in a me / mine here now exoistence is EASY. But it results in the extrem disconnected MESS we now find ourselves in.
If we COLLECT and CONNECT all our HuMAN INTELIGENCE, skills and RESOURCES with less WASTE and toxic MULTIPLICATION we can build a better world (or just our template GATED COMMUNITIES of iopneers or ?quakers .. just SIMPLIFY. Work hard to be a decent FAIR human. Listen learn from others, reconsider, discuss and COMPROMISE .. I promise we will have better quality of life than our "MORE, faster easier" SHALLOW of today
Thurs. July 11, 2024, 8:00 am.
see image .. EVERYTHING .. ALL is connected .. so everything affects everything else!! ...
Those hearts in windows, and "we are in this together" signs are vacuous NONSENSE, unless we DO something! We are so selfish, shallow and inauthentic .. a PLASTIC society! Ranting about patriotism with no idea of "country and humans first" is a perfect example of the PHONY behaviour we now are part of. Society is a spectrum of 3 character types, THINKER right brains having panic attacks, still Balanced BRAIN humans trying to get by, plus a scale of ZOMBIE LEFT brains that got us in this mess.
We have lived more and more "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF" over my life time. Instead of rowing our boat TOGETHER, we wanted our OWN boat and started rowing opposite ways. Some of us wanted to keep old natural NORMAL ways. But too many wanted a new "I have more than you, and it is BETTER" thoughtless existence. The BANK of HUMAN FIRST restores the natural NORMAL CONNECTED HUMAN way of life.
Since I was a kid in the 50's, I have watched society decline ever FASTER. We have a god of "PROGRESS" instead of DECENT .. FAIR .. Human to Human behaviour. Instead of Middle Class as more secure and COMFORTABLE an "Era of SHOW OFF" began. Today we can go no further because our extreme excess of EVERYTHING has hit THE END wall. GOOD humans are losing their mind, but bad humans will go more CRAZY when there is no FURTHER extreme left to go. WIN LOSE competition is the game. Once all is LOST .. there is no more to WIN! Maybe we should build a WIN WIN society .. if we are not too late?
"SHOW OFF" means focus on "THE SELF" .. focus on "ME/ mine, here NOW!" This creates a scale of lost HUMAN .. a ZOMBIE scale. Those who are simply STRESSED shallow and selfish to survive are welcome in our CLUB. But if you are unwilling to consider the well being of others FIRST, before self .. please GO AWAY. No cancelling nonsense is allowed here. JUST GO AWAY. We more "Right brain still able to THINK" Humans may have to BATTLE you. Left brains are destroying CIVILIZATION. McGilchrist. Because Left brains want to get the job done without hours of Right brain CONTEMPLATION .. They more easily take over with their simple solutions. But profit silos and Bandaids are not REAL SOLUTIONS. Life is complicated than simple "good/ bad" .. taking that EASY way out, now leaves us with the collapse of EVERYTHING.
"Showing off" our EXTREME EXCESS means forgetting OTHERS well being, over the self. Maybe a good (great, great, grand-) parental slap will knock some sense into you? Humans survived quite fine for MILLENIA. We (Pioneers?) come along and in less than 250 years DESTROY EVERYTHING? I wonder if the Founding Fathers are horrified we have collapsed the better system they had hoped the created. We went to DUMB-ocracy and GREED capitalism rather than their good intentions. Is it possible the corporations are not EVIL .. just STUPID and they will HELP us restore our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME? I hope this is correct, so let's give it a try. (12 steps). If The world Economic Forum (see INTERCONNECTIONS map!) and Corporations are WORRIED about POLYCRISIS .. maybe they were only single minded profit TUNNEL VISION .. NOT the evil we think?
Our AGE of CONSUMPTION, SELF focus and " LOOK at ME!" has destroyed HUMANITY. HUMANITY was a CONNECTED group of humans that managed survival for millennia. ENTITLEMENT has destroyed everything. Can we STOP and CONNECT in a NEW WAY? .. or .. is humanity extinct. A MINDLESS, HEARLESS being is not human. Too many of us are on a ZOMBIE scale, being who lost their connection to "WE/ US". Focus on mME/ mine, here, NOW!" will be the end of civilization .. and very soon. Selfish shallow beings are just oblivious zombies .. NOT HUMANS. can we SIMPLIFY, remove the "stupid" STRESS and SAVE HUMANS? A NEW SYSTEM to RESTORE our TOTAL HUMAN Health is needed. HUMAN FIRST .. not self .. or we DIE . (zombies will live on in the dystopia they created.)
? left b
DUALITY! .. everything is BOTH good and bad!
The Bank of HUMAN FIRST means conserve all of our VALUE or Resources.
Not money but the REAL VALUE in HUMAN life, like kindness, caring about OTHERS, honesty and ability to TRUST and HOPE. Invest more each day and our Human STOCK value exchnage INCREASES. We need a Bank, Stock market and Accounting system .. an ECONOMY of HUMAN VALUE .. not paper $$ or coins! How about we focus on our HUMAN HOME and FAMILY HEALTH, instead of profit and business growth. Every factor of our Health has been destroyed. Besides PHYSICAL Health to be WELL we REQUIRE HOPE, TRUST, ORDER (a feeling of CONTROL), security, stability, connection, belonging, feeling valued, in a collected HUMAN INTELLIGENCE!
We have lost our way. Please join the "Bank of humans" CLUB to build a system of LIFE LEDGERS that INCREASE basic quality of life for all. WE all contribute but we all receive food, shelter and some FUN. Each of us has special skills and talents that can help others. WE go back to sharing and TRADING our VALUE mostly in local COMMUNITY. Global does not work .. too much waste and resource consumtion that is UNNECASSRY. Yet through GOOD use of the internt we can connect and share HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Productivity and globaliztion were terrible ideas. Can we QUIT the old ME! nonsense and CONSERVE and INVEST in WE and US? If we work together to fix our SHORT SIGHTED errors .. GOOD HUMANS may still survive.
Copyright © 2024 The BANK of REAL Human VALUE - All Rights Reserved.
I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.