Fri. Aug 9, 2024, 6:00 pm.
If we are so brilliant .. why do we SIMPLY count money? There is so much MORE of value! when I began this work like 50 + years ago I wondered why people did not understand that all the money in the world was useless, if you destroyed your HEALTH. As a kid, I could not UNDERSTAND why people would come in the snack bar and say "I'm thirsty, get me a coke!" Your body is made of 66% WATER .. NOT brown sugar (water)! Your body is the TEMPLE for your soul! it is not made out of sugar or brown pollution .. why would you treat the "building" that house your spirit with such disrespect. HEY! if I ran the world we would have had bottled water in the 50's. Coke created waste cans and bottles, why not water? damn if only I ran the world we would not be dying now! 🤬 (too bad I can't even follow my OWN rules, eh?! 🙈 )
OK, so caring for your health is really important! But today, $ for shelter and food can take all our time and energy! How is this considered "PROGRESS"??
Tues. July 9, 2024, 2:00 pm
So Strange! After decades of hand wringing I realized the only thing MAY save us is REMORSE and better management of ALL our resources of VALUE. That includes a SMILE, kind word or letting the guy with heavy groceries go first into the bus. KIndnes and decency are RESOURCES. But we have LOST them over the last 2 decades. And quality of life is suffering HUGELY. TOTAL Human Health includes ... NOT MONEY? If you would rather have a million $, than the 9 factors that create HUMAN Health .. "Get out of here! you are banned from our Good Human club!" OFF the planet with you .. or we have to murder you. The people in this BANK our Stock EXCHANGE want everyone to have a ecbt life .. so THEY themselves can relax with less sadness and guilt. When I have a 7$ Starbucks and see a homeless encampment I feel terrible, that could be me! Left brains just say "those losers should have worked harder". No wonder I have always felt on the wrong planet! How can people be so cruel? I guess I was surrounded with more Left brain action family friends? I wish I could be cold and heartless like that .. life would be SO MUCH EASIER. But who wants to live in a world like that?
Sat. Aug 10, 2024, 2:00 pm.
At 20 this woman's son was killed by a 16!! year old! She visited him in prison and forgave him. Once he got out, she had him move next door and helped him start his life in a totally changed world. Talk about a SAINT!! This helps us shut up about our own UNFAIR situations .. probably a bit less bad hopefully.
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.