Thurs. Aug. 14, 2024, 12:45 pm.
We can eat kale shakes, do yoga and be runners, but we are still stuck in the TOXINS of our AIR and even our treated water showers. Everything we have done the last 150 years is now coming back to bite us. Our TOTAL HUMAN Health is at stake. No Mindfulness and mediation can remove the reality of our mass disrespectful behaviours. We became SPECIAL, entitled to everything, without any responsibility expected. We created destruction similar to unsupervised never disciplined SPOILED children. Now it is next to impossible to be healthy. Every factor needed for a HEALTHY HUMAN has been decreased or totally missing.
Thurs. July 11, 2024, 8:00 pm
When Gluten became popular if you Learned about Fun ctional Medicine from Cleveland Clinic you had all you needed to reduce inflammation and cut the nonsense of a disease drug culture. Learning about CAUSES means you can REDUCE problems NEFORE they become really bad! Take responsibility for your PHYSICAL Health. Eat well sleep exercise and your health will 100% improve. But we live in a BANDAID culture and prefer easy and fast. That will NOT create health. But no matter how much kale yoga and breathing you do .. if all the HUMAN HEALTH FACTORS are MISSING you will never be healthy. STRESS is TOXIC to health. WE live in a TOXIV soup of SYRESS we have absolutely uno control over. Humans have lost their mind, our human HOME is failing thanks to our greed for more, and thee is no calm or peace anywhere. OVERLOAD and overwhelm is our life. Very strange in a culture that worships easy and fast. It sees convenience is DUAL! Both good and bad. NOTHING remains good when we take it EXTREME! Medicine was good .. until we took it extreme and prefered bandaids for profit, rather than HEALTHY CITIZENS. I spent a life time more and more feeling the greed of corporations was pure evil. When you are willing to torture people, leaving them ongoing struggle Instead of just STOP THE THING CAUSING IT .. you are satan himself.
Is it really possible they just thought it made us buy more and lowered our self discipline. Like .. as I write this I think it IS possible! Because I now wonder if Trump and his people ACTUALLY believe their lies?..!! If your brain can not COMUTE many layers of ideas connected to find the TRUTH .. you stop at the first layer (Like can onion they grab the crackle shell instead of going into the onion Layers down to the heart (or closer to TRUTH). Left brains can not THINK deeply .. they have tunnel vision. Sadly Biden showed that by his handling of the debate. Dems are just the inner elastic onion shell .. but still have lost their ability to go deeply into opposing ideas and CALCULATE the best VALUE.
If E Y an the World Economic Forum are panicked about the POLYCRISIS .. may they actually did NOT recognize the damage they were doing. If you are TUNNEL vision simple minded on PROFIT ONLY .. I guess it is possible they are shocked everything is collapsing. We need to HOPE that is true .. because if they are evil it will be hard to get them to sponsor our Gated Community template. They get all the credit .. but are there even enough people who could give up their phone and the nonsense of today's life and go back to NORMAL and NO excess or extreme? We use the phone as a TOOL .. not life itself! Not only is our lack of attention destroying our brain .. the EMF vibrations are PHYSICALLY frying your brain wiring. How have we all gotten so stupid? Sugar, screens and stress has destroyed our brain wiring, especially our THINKNG contemplating Ability.
HOPE (link)
Thurs. Aug 15, 2024, 1:00 pm.
Real NORMAL life is HARD and slow. It requires THINKING and CALCULATING the REAL VALUE of every action! Every one of our ACTIONS has plus / minus VALUE to humans. Since we are all connected what I do affects you and vice versa. But my actions not only HELP+, or HARM- me, they help or HARM you! If you do not care about harming others with your actions "GET OFF THE PLANET .. NOW!" Even worse action CHOICES not only help or HARM others +/- .. there are also MULTIPLIERS! We have never considered that we have a HUMAN STOCK MARKET EXCHANGE! Since in nature/ NORMAL, we all connect, then each humans actions affects the ENTIRE human FAMILY and HOME! My buying take out coffee daily is killing YOUR trees and creating waste because they are not recycled. BUT .. my smile can also make a person's day .. or a kind word stop them from spinning into rage. "We are in this together" is so shallow. Then again the guy who made that saying up had good intentions
Dr dispense "you are the placebo"
feeling cool when it is hot
Tues. July 23, 2024, 3:45 pm.
This has just been a mind blowing experience. I feel like I have been depressed (chemically/ brain flaw) my whole life and in these last decades the despair for our HUMAN FAMILY has grown ever worse. I keep saying "No, it s not POSSIBLE to feel even LESS hopeful" yet there it is deeper fear for the future and sadness at our many many losses. Now with Biden NOT stepping down and then the Trump shooter, and Biden finally down .. I wondered how the civil war I expected in November could be starting already! I am telling you this because you can USE it for yourself! I was MASS despairing and hopeless. I go for long walks to clear my head.
AT first I faced reality "yes! you can NOT makes people listen. I can tell you that you are all standing on the Fast train track and from my view I can SEE the train is coming fast. I am WARNING you of great danger!" If you refuse to listen to me, all I can do is LEAVE .. because I do not want to see the blood and remnants of all your bodies smushed. I tried .. no iy is my turn to relax. Before leaving my desk I had looked at property in Belize and thought I better give up on my love of America and just MOVE out to watch the explosion .. like in the STAND!! HAH! Cool analogy .. love it (add more clarity!) The WAR chaos will be too messy to handle for easily stressed people. So I was beginning to feel more calm that I finally had to decide to ACTUALLY QUIT (been saying that for decades!) and look after me and hopefully my family. This time I really meant it because I was actually facing nobody is listening or willing to sacrifice. I tried I will just watch humanity implode from afar .. and laugh. You SHOULD have listened to me! 😈 But if no one even Listened to dr Sam Walters a NASA scientist so that Faucii handle covid to kill society .. what the hell makes me think anyone will listen to me and our brains being FRIED GONE?
Well .. I walked to "the WELL" a new shopping EXPERIENCE on the other side of Toronto and nearer the lake. I must look into the ?? Astrophysics? of that. As I have explained I am a very slow learner. I have been going there before while under CONSTRUCTION 14 months ago! Something tells me I need to go and as a stupid undisciplined bipolar I just listen. I have gone maybe every 2 weeks for 14 months and it took me till now to figure it OUT!!! That area gives me a POSITIVE ENERGY INFUSION!! I don't do drugs or take stupid depression pills .. but PLACES can 100% turn me MANIC HIGH! probably has to do with walking to water after but THIS TIME I realized I had gone from lowest of low despair to euphoric high. THE ONLY possible effect was something in the physical energy vibrations. Your spirits are just lifted in the area. From my Phila experience this must be different for each soul. But start looking out for feeling "happier" more hopeful in certain spots. For me it is usually a large area .. like at least a block and generally more. All of a sudden life holds POSSIBILITY. How is that possible? Every horrible thing I was dismayed over is STILL TRUE! How can you feel there is hope to fix our problems when there is really NOTHING to suggest it is possible?
OMG .. have become a grouch because my area is ENERGY VIBRATION DEFLATING .. I have to move. I am become TOXIC to people because the air or soil here is POISON! But THE WELL AREA is POSITIVE ENERGY INFUSING .. hope and possibility coat around mind. examples! that nice apt here is possible .. flying to NYC from here. There were a few horrid people but I could HANDLE their rude more easily .. walk away vs rage inside. Sadly the WELL area uplift is quickly squashed in the horrible energy of the NEW selfish shallow Regent Park. So interesting .. and maybe now I can ward it off more easily?
Phila NYC .. need energy infusion /
morgue dead people!!
Find your positive vibration space! If we can MOVE THERE. If god said you can have 10 years in TO or 10 months in NYC .. (I can not chose between vanilla and strawberry Ice cream QUICKLY) .. but I need NO THINKNG for that choice whatsoever .. a brief NYC life vs long TO. .. no question
Wed. Aug 7, 2024, 9:10 am.
I am officially insane! No idea I began web sites in 2018 .. maybe before. Sorry .. I do not CARE anymore .. use my bad unedited incomplete notes that keep changing. .. OR .. don't .. the world is ending! Who cares! 😱
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.