YES! Damn it I have been naive about this for a decade. But seeing fair is very HARD .. caused me to invent the FAIR calculation system. Far more complex than our $$ accounting.
See the image .. everybody loves this house. Fine it's fun to WALK BY. I would not want it as my neighbour! I am not being mean .. I bet all of us ESP would find it difficult to live by. It is kind of screaming. And for us not just NOISE screams, colours scream, lots of tattoos scream, smells scream .. today everything screams if we are highly sensitive. I sear suicide will increase. It is like we live in a torturous atmosphere. So we have to CALCULATE "the fair". If I was the neighbour, if I usually was in back yard I should just ignore .. because the joy people get from walking by is far more than I LOSE walking into my place. There is a balance and the greatest good always wins. BUT sometimes we ESP want OUR needs met. Just please could you scream a little less?
Sad .. and yet America thinks it is the greatest country ever. I love America way more than my country but we have so goofed up, so many ways. Let's show the world we can FIX it, just like we started a whole new way from NOTHING .. let' s stop our decay .. right now!
Thurs. Aug 8, 2024, 5:45 pm.
What the hell! I ranted about this somewhere but can't find it. MEN having babies. I wondered what IDIOCY CBC had gone to but here we are. We live in a NONSENSE society. IF .. we spent even I minute WONDERING why we have lost our minds ..and consider WHY we can just do ANY old thing we want regardless of NATURE and normal .. I would have continued to respect WEIRD. Now after it is shoved down our throat idiocy .. sorry the only way for a society to survive is with NORMAL .. because NORMAL (natural) creates ORDER. Without ORDER chaos and confusion rules . and I am sick to death of being confused and feeling life is chaos. I bet this is why so many shootings now occur. You can not jerk people around so much and not expect them to turn into TIME BOMBS. They will either lash out .. or in. I had nothing against ANY of these people, gays immigrants women .. until the SCREAMING nonsense took over. You know what? EVEN a family with a mom at home to PARENT those little monsters sure created a better society that today's "career moms. What kind of nonsense to birth a kid and have a DAY CARE raise the little BRAT. and that is actually a BAD word .. not cute. I would never have become so angry if there was just LOGIC and reason .. all these friggin "sexes" is RIDULOUS. How about figuring out why we are now such WEIRD "humans". Nothing normal about us. How come we were NORMAL humans for millennia. But us entitled elitist idiots created a toxic soup of EVERYTHING and now we are just contagious cancerous demonizing zombies. sorry I am so angry sine I just listened to Trump for 65 minutes and see DOOM everywhere! How does half America want this silly man to be their PRESIDENT? We are LIVING in the last zombie movie.
constant fire engines .. incredible waste of resources .. PLUS the TOXIC multipliers .. the stress of the LOUD intercom .. 3X!!!!! not getting out to appts. FEAR of starting one yourself from toast.
FINE Chartwell $20,000 each time. THEY will fix. BUT .. why should we have to? If they are decent FAIR human run .. they themselves THINK and fix it with no rules no laws no fines NECESSARY!
Sun. Aug. 4, 2024, 3:00 pm.
Nespresso repeat Barnes and Noble free coffee discovery, back in late 90's when we were still a little NORMAL human .. with respect responsibility and APPRECIATION.
Thurs. Aug 8, 2024, 11:30 am.
why are all these insane sex CHOICES .. normal .. but if your brain works deifferent you are WEIRD??? Where is my mental illness CELEBRATION .. my Bipolar PARADE!! ..?? I am angry and SICK OF our DUMB! DUMBocracy .. irresponsible lazy people must GO. Daddy will NOT look after us .. dumbocracy became a con job of IRRESPONSIBILITY. Just vote every 4 years and you are good. NONSENSE! That is NOT what Ben Franklin had in mind. He expected responsible respectful people taking CARE of our resources TOGETHER. For a REAL democracy everything needs to have its REAL value calculated .. no money! What about waste and toxic MULTILLIERS of our resources. Money is such a LAZY accounting system. But then we have become a very LAZY society. Accepting everything as NORMAL is just TOO LAZY TO INESTIGATE WHY? The fish in the Great Lakes have confused genitals. Do you think maybe birth control pills in our water created all these WEIRD .. sorry NOT NORMAL sex decisions?? oooh I will be cancelled .. screw you and get off this web site! This is for REAL humans with a THINKNG brain, questioning curious about causes and consequences!
No gay garbage allowed here .. what you do in your bed is not my business .. stop shoving it down my throat. I was never mean to ANYBODY .. until the world got so NONSENSE complicated. Just be Decent and FAIR to everybody. Think of We/ US before you act for ME. People who are treated FAIR .. act FAIR. Bad people are not born they are created by a society NOT set up for WIN/ WIN. Leave your "diversity" con behind, if you want to join this club. Her we RESPECT and take RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN FAMILY and home. We have no time to waste on all this stupid DIVISION. We have 100 stupid mini wars going on .. we need to focus INSTEAD on the LAST .. BIG ONE .. "LEFT brains are destroying civilization!" Mc gilchrist
BALANCED is always BEST IN ANYTHING. MODERATION solves the problem of EXTREME always being BAD. Both the Left and Right brain Hemisphere are needed and good RESOURCES. If we can only SHARE our opposing Brain Resources .. we may even survive. Please be sure to remember there are probably TONS of balanced brain people quietly wondering what the heck is WRONG with the rest of us. They THINK and then They decide and DO the best thing for most .. or the most affected. It Feels like Right brains always thinkng are the quiet ones BUT YELLING BEWARE and no one listens! The Left brains are all screaming demonizing each other. Balanced or MODERATE people
Thurs. Aug 8, 2024, 1:00 pm.
onion Sat. July 13, 2024, 11:00 am
The Forest .. unseen FUNGUS gets no glory. We must CONNECT as fungus .(link) . no glory but the reason a forest COMMUNITY survives
we can only survive TOGETHER
octopus .. management ECONOMY ORDER
OMG .. there will always be MORE to learn! The octopusis kind of a BRAIN body It thought it had 9 brains .. in the arms too .. but more research needed. Let's stick to that for now since it matched the 9 FACTORS of health. We manage our TOTAL HUMAN Health SYSTEM with CONNECTED arms of
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.