I finally got my hope back!!
But after decades I finally got my hope back!!
Wed. July 31, 2024, 3:30 pm.
Come on! There is no way (god) the creator (the developer CEO of the cosmos) is going to let (American) "progress" DESTROY HIS ENTIRE CREATION. This can not be possible! Everything created in our normal natural family and home is AMAZING. (sky grass. ) Different (civilizations) have come and gone but humans prevailed. They just found a place of letchery from Roman times .. a marble floor on the ocean floor. There were advanced civilizations before that got TAKEN DOWN yet earth and humans survived. Yes we who are obsessed with "progress" regardless of its toxic results .. are destroying kids lives as far away as Iceland! They have plastic LINT in their drinking water! But I have decided god will somehow destroy the greedy zombies gone evil (or just shallow OCD on profit .. now gone STUPID). Maybe we have to HELP eradicate the mindlessness .. but we will survive. Look at the beatitudes! Those who inherit the earth? Those are ALL RIGHT BRAIN Characteristics! Or of course even BETTER balanced brains.
Humans have been around in civilization since agriculture, for 12,000 years! Do not tell me American "progress" comes along and DESTROYS HUMANITY in less than 250 years !!! Humans managed decently for 12,000 years .. this is ridiculous arrogance to think we just come up with enough CRAP to just destroy EVERYTHING and the maker will just say "oh well, their problem". tHe beatitudes are our answer .. we THINKERS will inherit earth and create a "hard heaven"! because sharing with other humans is HARD .. it requires LISTENING and caring and compromising .. all behaviour we have lost. At least Left brains have LOST these behaviours and we right brains look on in horror.
(Proof of older civilizations!! Roman hedonism marble floor on ocean bottom.)
Richard GOODALL AGT .. add my texts to kids
We must get together and take responsibility for saving our HUMAN Family and HUMAN HOME. I think god would want us to DO something not sit idly by letting the zombies EAT the planet and our brains. We do not have to immediately kill them. Unlike Netanyahu we are HUMAN and have compassion for those SILLY Left brain enemies. They are disabled missing the THINKING part of their brain. Without MIND and "heart" their soul is gone and they are zombies. They may not even mean to harm .. they are just too BLIND to SEE, and deaf to hearing our warnings. They have many choices before we murder them (war).
Thurs. July 11, 2024, 8:30 am.
I am a germ freak. But I am also very stupid. I hand sanitize plus once home IMMEDIATELY shoes off and WASH MY HANDS before ANYTHING. We must keep those evil RUDE PEOPLE germs OUT of my home. (Rude people as in dog pee and men's spit or cane's in my Nursing Home used to push elevator buttons! 🤬 ) So germs are NOT allowed in my home. Yet since I am Left brain MASSIVE STUPID .. do I ever have time to clean my sink or even just TAPS?? Where do I think the dreadfull germs go? They are all sitting on my tap I touched to wash my hands. When I wash my face there they are waiting to attack my nose! What kind of brain power missing does not frequently then clean the taps touched with these horrid OUTSIDE germs?? 🤪
But besides reminding you I am devoid of Left brain ACTION intelligence .. there is a much more important point to be made. I do not want germs from money or shoes etc because I might get sick. I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO BE SICK. I am "🐢 slow" and I need to hurry up and give the world the formula to save humans! 😱
OK so WHY have I never been sick? I have lived in this horrible NURSING HOME (sold as semi retired, ACTIVE Living SR) for over 5 years and o have never been even sick with a cold. what the hell? I have connected physically with thousands more humans than in my least place and yet all thru covid NEVER sick! Why??? 🤔
Because my BRAIN BELIEVED I was doing everything to keep those germs away, I never got sick. BELIEF .. the control of our MIND is everything. Belief can restore dead cars and bring young men to celebrate an important birthday. BELIEF or controlling our MIND is our biggest tool. I can not get myself into MANIFESTING but if we can just EXPECT something happily it seems to happened see below.
Actually we do not even really have to believe! I never BELIEVED I could get my car back .. but I just kept saying it .. so I guess god heard (he actually gave us a magic magnet to help. That is why jerk people get ahead they just EXPECT good for themself. FEELING deserving and confident is the best tool of all to be born or NURTURED into.
So yes .. I just did my GERM Routine and went on to work EXPECTING NO sickness. beware of your mind .. it can bring you good .. or too much bad focus brings it. Let's step out focusing on ll the GOOD Humans we pass and not let the few horrid cruel ones ruin our day. We quiet GOOD Humans CAN change the world . The REALITY is .. things are VERY BAD. But if we get tTOGETHER with a new better PLAN .. we CAN change things! PLEASE take my plan .. I spent a LIFETIME on it, almost 7 decades! I could have went on cruises and had FUN .. no I just worried for HUMANS. Please do NOT let my life be a waste. My kids suffered bacuese I never knew neglecting ME was fine but I should not be neglecting MINE (my family and friends! sorry I am SUCH a slow learner) So please take my 6 Life Ledger accounting system and RUN WITH IT. WE will all connect globally BUT the important task is LOCAL. WE and US working together for quality of life for ALL. All contribute but all receive in a NEW WIN/WIN system. Sure you can be wealthy! But NOT BY STEALING from others Life ledger! We have a shared HUMAN Family and Home. You wealth may NOT come from stealing from others swell being! Once that is looked after .. fine, have your 1/2 million $ car, if that is the sad place you think has REAL VALUE.
The malfunctioning toilet ?? I barely touched .. I have MAGIC POWERS!
Thurs. July 25, 2024, 8:30 pm.
Judging from my constant SHOCK that ANOTHER week is gone, when it feels I simply turned .. ?? around? .. then WAS I ever HERE, now? Maybe we should take a minute EVERY 30, to just bring ourselves INTO the moment? Look at the sky, the trees, the wind. We now have KILLER RAIN in TO and with time going STRANGELY fast how long will we SEE flowers or have a blue sky. Dr Dispenza in his Schumann Resonance article says a day really has only 16 hours now. Something to do with that OHM 7. ?2 for millennia .. now I think speeded 3x. I have no clue .. but it sure as hell FEELS like my days are missing 8 hours! So something is definitely happening. IF we are headed to heaven .. fine .. but incase that was a SCAM TOO, we better ENJOY every day.
Actually come back to HERE/ NOW, appreciate and be grateful .. maybe it will FEEL like time is now sneaking away as frighteningly? I think although we do NOT worry about the future or others further, we only think HERE, NOW .. we STILL do not ACTUALLY come to the moment. So there are actually 2 kinds of here and now! The selfish "ME! here / now", the "screw others and tomorrow!" attitude still does not give us in the moment GRATITUDE! Everything yoga and meditation has been taken to incredibly SHALLOW SELFISH westernized PHONY. Some teachers are probably wonderful .. but our general society is very entitled elitist INAUTHENTIC.
Fri. July 26, 2024, 1:00 pm.
ACTING on problems with HOPE and belief .. vs the INACTION and energy DRAINING OF DESPAIR! What choice is there? fall deep into the abyss of hopelessness and miss the last joys? .. or keep our mind OPEN to possibility, with BELIEF thrown in? (Kritika) Looks like we have destroyed humans .. we may as well enjoy the last of the "party". And meantime work to possibly CHANGE THE OUTCOME. Beats the incredible despair at loss of EVERYTHING that matters .. while we have available everything possible .. THAT DOES NOT MATTER. Think how STUPID apps are. They give us NOTHING that creates TOTAL Human Health because they are a MAZE of DISCONNECT!! Human health ONLY HAPPENS in a SYSTEM of CONNECT! link my
Sat. July 27, 2024, 8:30 am.
If you expect nothing .. you can't be disappointed. But be more grateful when the elevator comes and gets you up/ down, the bus arrives, the light turns on. More and more things are NOT working. Can you imagine you are moving and the elevator can not be put on service to load it up? OMG I would have a total heart attack! 😱 Last shift my friend had no interest to set up grouchy old people appointments. AHA! This links to my evil vs stupid idea! These old people here are so self absorbed. Their brains have been destroyed also .. by our toxic soup. If the concierge is trying to find elevator maintenance people maybe my TV box is not quite as PRIORITY! They have all day to do NOTHING .. yet if desk wait is 2 minutes they grumble. Unbelievable! The help you are complaining to will never SEE RETIREMENT! Oh but I am such a negative person. Yes .. because the train is coming AND WE ARE ON THE TRAIN TRACK OBLIVIOUS!
We want A I .. but we can not even get simple old connections to work .. like maybe shutting off lights at night to CONSERVE power, or only auto opening doors when I FACE them instead of all that wasted electricity. For some reason my nightmare has always been everything just quits working. Cars all honk, elevators all stop, a horror movie. Yesterday for the first time in 10 years my Chiro person was 15 minutes late conflicting with my next physio appt. That has NEVER happened. I bet he had an equipment problem and it messed everything up. When we depended on PEOPLE, things worked. But we gave everything up to "technology" and now are so excited we could even make the tech talk and LOOK like us. Good luck! We zombies are too stupid to live.
Plan your day RECOGNIZING that these days, we can depend on NOTHING. All things are falling apart. Let nothing UNEXPECTED give you a heart attack, create panic. Just be grateful when 90% of the time .. it all DOES work. 🥳 Celebrate anything we can! Now THAT is being AWARE positive!
Sat. Aug 3, 2024, 6:00 pm.
Look at this video .. these FISH! Come on! .. surely god or whoever developed this amazing cosmos is not going to just sit back and let the STUPIDITY of our selfish shallow "progress" destroy this amazing place!! We have to keep our hopes up! Those beatitudes seem to refer to us RIGHT BRAIN THINKERS Worriers! The "meek" shall inherit the earth .. hey we are NOT the screamers! Everybody shallow hates us ("Just think positive .. don't be so negative!" SURE! exactly the lazy irresponsible behaviour that got us into everything in DECAY and destruction! You do not disrespect and take NO RESPONSIBILITY for your human family and home and then say .. just think positive! That is INSANITY! Yet those left brains have gotten away with it because they feel so DESERVING, EXPECTING good for their confidence.
Wed. Aug. 7, 2024, 10:00 am.
Sat. Aug. 10, 2024, 1:30 pm.
As this mom says her forgiving was for her SELF .. to not have it eat her up. She forgave and practically adopted her son's KILLER!! What a woman! a saint .. but true that our rage at injustices do NOTHING to fix anything. Just like vandalism. What is the POINT! I like buildings more than most people so vandalizing especially old beautiful architecture enrage ME .. exactly WHAT did your vandal anger accomplish? Except to make our cause disrespected. ie jewish or immigrant vandalism .. usually it is attacking an innocent person. Go vandalize some wealthy guys mansion or half million $ car. At least it might make him think??
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I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.