Time for customers. Focusing ony on Time saved and money created is a terrible way to run a society. We broke the NATURAL 3 Life ledger RULES. Of course we are so special it is NOT necessary for us to follow rules. Sorry NATURal and NORMAL will always win. Our Special" is what has destroyed us. Get over yourself and join the HUMAN RACE .. before wee are EXTINCT. Stop being a zombie and THINK .. or we are happy to lend our thing. Listen Learn, reconsider so we can DISCUSS with civility and compromise. This is the only way humans can survive. The common and greater good before ME and considering causes and consequences of our action. Do this very minute .. it is what CIVILITY IS!! Behave decent and FAIR to others!
If my behaviour harms another there is NO VALUE in our HUMAN Bank!
Sat. July 20, 2024, 3:00 pm.
"FAIR" means taking the opposing views of "DUALITY" (Both.. / and.. are TRUE) and calculating the good vs toxic of each. WE ACT on the HIGHEST positive value for humans not shareholders!Our banks are just $'s, taking no account of the DAMAGE or waste some $ create. Destroying the health of workers with OVERWORK destroys HUMAN VALUE, no matter what PROFIT is created for who. How did we get this stupid? HR, CSR, and ESG fakery will NOT help! Only REAL acting HUMAN will save our species IF I is not too late. Please join us and build a TEMPLATE of a BETTER SYSTEM!
We have to relearn how to BEHAVE .. what happened to parenting that used to teach us CIVILITY and HUMANITY? Being kind and CARING of others? "Me/ mine, here, NOW!" wanting MORE faster and easier has destroyed our total HUMAN Health.
Do you want to remain in our system of STRESS and constant fear of being homeless .. or build new careers in finding TRUTH so we can TRUST in a hopeful future again? If we relarn to CONNECT human intelligence and ideas will will PREVENT disease not BANDAID it! Finding causes does not create profit. Profit is necessary but greed leads ONLY TO COLLAPSE.
The factors or Resources we ACTUALLY NEED .. not money but sharing and trading for HUMAN Health. We get these factors by CONTRIBUTING to our HUMAN bank but then RECEIVING shelter, food and fun in return. a FAIR SYSTEM is win win .. not the win LOSE we have come to accept as SHEEP. No more sheeping, grow up, get responsible and BEHAVE. No following the shepherds. they are leading us to our SLAUGHTER, especially Amazon, Apple etc etc. We have LOST our HUMAN as "phone faced" sheep. I used to say sheep ANT .. worker ant but before you know it there will be NO JOBS for us .. and good luck then .. we will have lost our last power. BUt do they really think A I and robots will be customers? So quit being a customer NOW .. before it is too late and A I collapses us into entire zombie land.
To save ourselves we need to create a new Accounting SYSTEM .. a new way of BANKING .. and a new HUMAN STOCK VALUE EXCHANGE. You say I am a dreamer? HAH! Pioneers had none of the crap we have today! I suggest they lived BETTER coming TOGETHER in "barn raisings" sharing and trading resources and skills, connecting as HUMANS not special .. just NORMAL humans. How much quality of life are our law and order eduction and healthcare doing for our REAL HEALTH? Unless we get together and try NEW .. we die. Unless Left brain action minds will LISTEN to right brain THINKERS .. we die. Oh I mean HUMANS with mind and "heart" will die NOT oblivious zombies. They continue in their DYSTOPIA.
IN our new SYSTEM .. everything will build on our TOTAL HUMAN Health. It consists not of $ for MORE, faster and easier .. but HOPE, TRUST, ORDER, SECURITY, STABILITY, FEELING VALUED, CONNECTED, BELONGING plus the CONNECTION of all our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. The 9 of the 3/6/9 of HUMAN Health is the factors we need to REGAIN in order to survive with decent quality of life FOR ALL. All CONTRIBUTE VALUE but all receive value in return .. from win/ LOSE of today .. to WIN/ WIN.
Copyright © 2024 The BANK of REAL Human VALUE - All Rights Reserved.
I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.