Sun. Aug. 4, 2024, 4:00 pm.
If you know what CAUSES something, you can FIX IT! Remove the CAUSE! But we live I a BANDAID Society .. because only BANDAIDS and siloes create profit. We have been HAD, so conned into a CONSUMER society that now we will never be able to return to CONSERVATION .. the only way HUMANS existed for millennia! By RESPECTING and taking RESPONSIBILITY for ALL kinds of RESOURCES each human created a society that did not destroy everything in its path.
Not only do we create inordinate amounts of WASTE .. but even worse .. our waste is TOXIC .. a contagious cancer of destruction of all that allows TOTAL Human Health. We have a last choice .. either step out of the nonsense of extreme and excess .. step away and BOYCOTT, STRIKE for all .. or we will die. Well Right brains will die and maybe some balanced. More Left brain ACTION "beings" will continue coexist in the DYSTOPIA they have created. REAL humans can not withstand the losses of hope, trust and ORDER in our lives. We will either commit suicide die of addiction or murder in rage at injustice!
We worship THE INDIVIDUAL .. but nature and NORMAL is the GROUP! Everything connects and only a focus on Profit Power and prestige is not NORMAL. Human s connect as people ideas and systems. WE no longer even connect IDEAS, everything is disconnected creating a loss of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE
Our rage today is passed on to the next human. Instead of a smile that raises spirits INCREASING our stucco market VALUE we now do the OPPOSITE. First manners were thrown out as old fashioned, then civility and now we are on the verge of losing our HUMANITY
But now the 3S virus .. hidden SUGAR, SCREENS and STRESS has destroyed our RIGHT hemisphere brain, leaving too many of us ACTING without the VALUE of first comparing choices and their consequences for OTHERS. The Left brain merely acts for the SELF and "me/ mine, here, now" goals, without bothering to consider the Common (WE) and GREATER (US!) GOOD.
But this means we now live in Dystopian hell. The only way to be "happy" or truly "wealthy" with QUALITY of life or TOTAL HUMAN Health .. is when ALL of us have at least basic decent survival without the stress of 100% struggle. Today .. far too many struggle just to survive. DUMBocracy and its "freedom" have done BADLY.
If you think you could take the EFFORT to balance extremes for MODERATION to be FAIR to all .. join our club or ?church. The church of HUMANS will take the effort and patience to LISTEN. Lean and try to UNDERSTAND the other's viewpoint.
Or maybe INSANE since our brains have been DISABLED by the toxic soup we live in
not EXTREME! everything is a tool AND a weapon .. we create only weapons today focused on Profit and POWER
Fri. July 26, 2024, 2:00 pm.
This is how we behave under my DICTATORSHIP.. 😈 .. or our return to CIVIL SOCIETY!
All of this 3 R work .. RESPECT/ RESPONSIBILITY and RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .. must be done with the 3 T's . THINK carefully to calculate TRUTH, so we can TRUST again.
THINK to find TRUTH (All is dual and both sides can be TRUE, so CALCULATE the most value for the most humans.) After much THINKNG and value calculation, closer to TRUTH emerges. This EFFORT, time and patience, wanting the best REAL SOLUTION for the most, REBUILDS TRUST in our society! We live in only BANDAIDS for PROFIT and all is collapsing. REBUILDING by finding CAUSES and removing the CAUSE is where real solutions are created. Then the ENTIRE SYSTEM must CONNECT, instead of the DISCONNECTED SILOS that cause our chaos and confusion! Our NEW SYSTEM is a connected FOUNDATION for TOTAL Human Health.
A system not based on $$, power or prestige but ..
HOPE, TRUST, ORDER, security, stability, feeling VALUED, connected, belonging and ALL CONNECTED through our shared HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.
That is what a CIVIL SYSTEM of WIN WIN for all is!
extremes of everything .. plus division = demonization = WAR! NO success ever!
?If each citizen receives the 9 factors of HEALTH in red
Wed. July 24, 2024, 5:30 pm. .. How was Leonardo so smart? .. see image. How did we get so much STUPIDER? FACE IT! Sugar (hidden), screens and Stress have completely fried our brains.
NATURAL is the NORMAL way things work on earth. No matter how arrogant we (colonizers) are, we who love "progress" and POWER, the NORMAL natural way will never change. It will always WIN in the end. (I made that up. does it make sense?) WE created toxic soup of EVERYTHING and when we soon are dead .. the planet will go on just fine without us. Sadly it is Left brains that are destroying civilization. (link), Left brains use without considering the CONNECTIONS of EVERYTHING to everything else. Left brains DO, take ACTION .. without THINKNG first, found in their MISSING Right hemisphere wiring.
People, ideas, systems .. all are connected, no matter how hard we have tried to DISCONNECT EVERYTHING, all into siloes and "diversity". Right brains WORRY and try to understand everything. Hopefully there are more quiet BALANCED BRAIN Humans left. Because they are quiet, only the screamer Left brains are noticed. They make us feel the world is ending through stupidity. Even if you are STRESSED selfish and shallow (Left) please join this club, to create a NEW SYSTEM of NORMAL and FAIR ORDER. Those beings FAR on the spectrum of Left Hemisphere like fast ACTION with the sole goal of "ME/mine, here, NOW". Unless they can LEARN to use our worrier THINKER Right brain RESOURCE .. They must be removed. 😱
How does this sound? For quality of life We need ..
But all NORMAL and NATURAL (of even primitives for millennia) has been disrespected by FAR on the scale Left brains. Now humans have lost thier ?"heart". They have struggled so long thru injustice they are just taking KNIVES and attacking others. the chaos makes no sense, unless you realize without a feeling of FAIR, of TRUST and order we can not survive. Even in times of the Depression they were connected to neighbours in a HUMAN normal way, and could hang out on the tenement steps. In this collapse we will have nothing .. but our dogs we need to make human contact.🙈 But once the knifings (and 14 and 16 year olds shooting a 3 year old in buffalo) take over our brain, it will be a civil war of terror where everyone unknown is an ENEMY .. not a FELLOW HUMAN! What a CRAZY world Left brains have created.
What the hell have we done to humanity? I suggest Left brains do not even UNDERSTAND the thinking process of Right brains! We want to question, wonder and want to UNDERSTAND. Left brains can not even FOLLOW our curiosity. which explains why they bully and attack is. We confuse them immediately because they think very simply black/ white, good/ bad. We want to know WHY you want a gn and want to explain what the problems are hoping we can compromise. Our brains have been so destroyed Left brains are UNABLE to DISCUSS to compromise any more. Right brains have always been slow to act and mostly NEEDED Left brains to be our managers and Ceo's. WE are the inventors but find the ACTION much more difficult. But without THINKNG FIRST ..action is only a silo solution or a BANDAID. Everything is collapsing because it was managed with Left brains unwilling to LISTEN and LEARN from Right brain THINKERS. We feel like the enemy so WARRIORS must attack. Left brains are usually warrior spectrum and we see how BATTLE always just fails. look at Gaza and that EVIL Netanyahu. If you do have a brain how does killing innocent people for 10 months as retaliation for Oct 7, make anything better.
McGilchrist on Unherd
We need a NEW SYSTEM of ORDER to save HUMANITY. The Right brain Hemisphere holds the Mind and "heart". Does that idea make sense? People like Trump and Netanyahu who care only about SELF and power seem to be devoid of deeper thinkng (MIND) and "heart", caring about others. How many bosses are trapped ONLY in the goal and its ACCOMPLISHMENT to hell with all the problems along the way .. JUST GET THE JOB DONE. The bandaids and siloes we live in are created by no mind THINKNG DETAILS and wanting to undersatnd causes (past) and consequences (Future)
Left brains either must STOP .. listen to our abilities they have diminished and demeaned .. OR be eliminated .. OFF THE PLANET WITH THEM. Go with Bezos to space .. or sorry .. you must die. Here is an option. DO WHAT WE SAY .. or else! (but my daughter just says I think I am god. I guess because I do not really think it is good idea to continue to destroy the planet and humans? Oh dear so it really is the last war, of even families! OH WELL .. stay the hell away from us and we may not kill you. I was going to say Left brains may use our brilliance. Tell me if I am wrong would this NEW SYSTEM not solve all problems?
"Happy" is a STUPID shallow (entitled?) word. How about we ALL can have decent quality of life. We each contribute to our HUMAN FAMILY UNIT and we each receive shelter, feed and FUN. Left brains immediately jump on "oooh, communism!" but we get to spend our FUN "share" where we want and if most give to ?Taylor Swift she will be RICH.
If we each get the 9 factors of health I think we would be less stressed and more calm than we are today. (But sadly I think THINKNG new ideas totally STRESSES WARIOR Left brains! They feel they are being attacked and lash out.
Experience the healing benefits of acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practise that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. Our licenced acupuncturists can help you relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve overall health.
Experience the healing benefits of acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practise that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. Our licenced acupuncturists can help you relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve overall health.
Experience the healing benefits of acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practise that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. Our licenced acupuncturists can help you relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve overall health.
Wed. July 17, 2024, 8:00 pm.
Is it possible the "THEORY of everything .. HUMAN", depends on "connect", plus the DUALITY (of "BOTH .. and, are true" and finding this MODERATION in discussion to BALANCE all in life?
Does the continued existence of humanity depend on only 3 things?
Tues. July 16, 2024, 9:00 am
First read only the HEADINGS and mull over whether you agree with this.
Tues. July 16, 2024, 9:00 am
First read only the HEADINGS and mull over whether you agree with this.
Tues. July 16, 2024, 9:00 am
First read only the HEADINGS and mull over whether you agree with this.
Tues. July 16, 2024, 9:00 am They of everything human .. 5 factors + 3/6/9
First read only the HEADINGS and mull over whether you agree with this.
EVERYTHING is connected everyone, thing IDEA!
explain we/ us. LIFE LEDGERS!
our focus on me here NOW has destroyed our common energy vibration or health. ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED, so my neglect affects everyone else. our neglect to respect NATURE and waste less and conserve MORE destroyed our FAMIY HOME. The TOXINS of our. waste and disrespect destroyed our HUMAN. It fried our brain wiring and 5 G will cause even worse brain ZOMBIFICATION!
We forget this and DEMONIZE the opposing side! I demonize DEVELOPERS but using land to build more homes than on the ground is good. Just don't go crazy. EXTREME is always bad!
the pouring rain is terrible ..but maybe settles the stupid park construction, so less concrete path blocks will fall lower because of settling earth. SO we can also USE the good and bad to. feel BETTER. As long as we take RESPONSIBILITY FIRST!
This would solve every problem ( eh?? 🇨🇦 🙈 ). I do NOT like Trump, but looking at the RNC last nite nothing really seemed so evil. BOTH republican and liberal sides have good and bad in their ideas. HMM .. so my confusion is there is FIRST the sides of democracy .. 2 sides. THEN each SIDE is DUAL. Damn .. I have been looking at LIBERALS are good, while republicans are bad (thanks to silly trump!) But that should simply be the 2 opposites to understand! I used to wonder why there was ANY division because BOTH SIDES HAD GOOD IDEAS! WHY would you not calm each side down to MODERATION and use the best of both! Which is what my Life Ledger NEW ACCOUNTING solution does .. CALCULATE the REAL value of each idea, BEFORE ACTING on it. But we are too lazy to do hard work and just scream instead. Humans may go extinct from LAZY .. not Brain loss ..Right (THINK) vs Left (Action) BRAIN WIRING DECAY.
How did we think in our complex society a simple yes no was a REAL vote. Are we stupid? Yes close the street for the garden park .. or NO my business suffered. My vote as enjoyment does not count the same VALUE as the person unable to pay their workers! Our Votes for each situation need VALUE. Just like if 20 of us trip over the handicap slope, is it necessary if one person comes once a month? ex[plian life ledgers.
Sometimes we lose but we will also win .. and we will see life as FAIR. Constant UN FAIR is destroying souls. People who feel devalued and disrespected lash out. Why are shooters often loners who were bullied? Left brains are often bullies and right brains are quiet thinkers.
guess the 3 is the sets of Life Ledgers we must WORK through to CALCULATE REAL .. VALUE through (not $)
def UNITY is damn hard .. but it beats the HELL of demonization we are at!
Copyright © 2024 The BANK of REAL Human VALUE - All Rights Reserved.
I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.