Thurs. Aug. 15, 2024, 10:00 am. "The Cancelling of the American Mind", Lukianoff and Schlott
YES! We all make mistakes and therefore harm others. I auto opened a door recently WITHOUT THINKING FIRST, and almost hit the person walking by outside. OMG IDIOT .. look before acting! Think about harm to others .. before acting on my OWN SELF GOAL!
Sorry but it is time to take RESPONSIBILITY for who you are! If you are fine with looking after only your SELF at the expense of others and our human home .. you are EVIL. I am not talking bad guys, even murderers. I am talking people who live life with NO CARE for how they're OWN DAILY and OVER TIME BEHAVIOUR AFFECTS OTHER HUMANS. It is EVIL to use the hundred excuses Left brains have to EXCUSE their harm of others. Left brains are evil and must be destroyed. But nothing is ever that simple!
Left brains are shallow and selfish. But shallow is the beginning of stupidity and I would never judge stupid because I mostly am in day to day doing smart actions! But selfish is the spectrum to greed and then EVIL. So your Buddhist and blah blah "we all have evil" is crap! I might harm others by my stupidity but I never harm because I say .. "too bad who cares". Left brains who act without THINKNG step over a homeless person and say "he should have worked harder .. like me". Or if someone commits suicide they actually say "what a loser he could not fight the battles of life .. so weak". Believe me these people exist and are my friends and family! Sure they may not say those exact words .. but their ATTITUDE is CLEAR!
So enough with the crap .. Face it! there ARE evil people. Big Pharma is either evil on steroids (make people sick with hidden sugar and then profiting from their lost health!!) .. or incredibly short sighted and STUPID. whether you kill me by evil or STUPIDITY I still have to DEFEND MYSELF FROM DEATH. Are you in this weird war with me or not?
We really have forgotten our THINKING requirement of life! The charges today for Mathew Perry's death show our shallow very weird "THINKING". When a DR prescribes a drug if you die .. well the drug had the warning label on it. But if a person sells the drug to you, "GO TO JAIL NOW". Look at the negative possibilities of ALL the drugs promoted on TV. Does anybody even get sued if you die? But ordinary guy is an evil DRUG PUSHER .. but not the DR or drug company? 🤔 Guess DR's are the legalized "drug pusher" MONOPOLY! OMG .. inam right because now EVERYTHING is being legalized so the power structure can profit off our ills! GAMBLING and marijuana .. yet are the people with RECORDS for it expunged yet? Guess I am so angry because I have not understood our weird world since I was a KID! That is a lot of decades yelling "what the .. hell??" 👿 It is so sad when an idiot like me plus you more managing types could SURELY run the world 100x better! Let's do it .. come on let's take over the world .. I do have a PLAN .. just need your HUMAN INTELLIGENCE I am missing .. Left brain MANAGEMENT and marketing (but with NO twisting and LIES!).
Wed. Aug. 7, 2024, 9:00 pm.
Mon. Aug 12, 2024, 3:00 pm
Join a community of like-minded individuals and get fit together! Our classes range from high-intensity cardio to gentle yoga, so there's something for everyone.
Wed. Aug 14, 2024, 8:30 pm.
they talk about deep state spending MASSIVELY to control us (Digital I D and soon money)
"Webb and Oliver offer practical actions we can take at the local level to get back to basics. These include:
Experience the benefits of alternative therapies like acupuncture, Reiki, and aromatherapy. Our licenced practitioners will help you balance your mind, body, and spirit.
Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on your well-being. Our retreats offer a variety of activities, from yoga and meditation to hiking and healthy cooking classes.
Tues. July 30, 2024, 11:00 am.
easy and fast
Do we REALLY think such mindless heartless behaviour will allow HUMANITY to continue? We act like 2 year old horrible kids wanting only "MY WAY" or I will scream blue murder.
HUMANS have far more resources orASSETS than coal oil or gold!!
Humanity did this NORMAL for millennia .. we colonizers come along and destroy civilization in 150 years. Maybe electricity was the beginning of the end?
Tues. July 30, 2024, 3:00 pm.
I don't like religion, maybe because I started in the "I am saved" stuff (evangelical). Seemed to have little to do with being a kind caring HUMAN vs SELF preservation. 🙈 I do not see how you can possible NOT believe there is a god. the CEO developer that created the most AMAZING Wonderland (cosmos) ever. If he was so kind as to give us all this incredible beauty and perfect workings of nature, he surely must expect us to be kind and caring of each other! Yet my religion was read the bible, follow it .. but no teaching about just BEING A GOOD PERSON. So screw religion .. seems to only create wars .. but my god will look after us if we try always to consider others before we act in shallow selfish ways. The complete opposite of what we live in .. and rather depressing for those of us who just want FAIR! When we become TOO despairing let' just remember this .. god will bring us to better. He will not let the shallow toward stupid, selfish toward EVIL win in the end. I just hope he acts QUICK for us .. surely he will not let us inherit only an earth of decay and destruction. Hurry up god .. stop the monsters destroying our beautiful earth! Or .. do we have to destroy them? How come Netanyahu can destroy everything in his path .. yet I will be called a terrorist??? 😱
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account." (sounds like us calling out bad behaviour .. taken down with VILE evil.)
-Matthew 5:3-11 (ESV)
Look at these (beatitudes) above! These are all RIGHT BRAIN behaviours! So god is NOT going to let those damn Left Brains totally destroy civilization before returning it to us INTACT .. so we can create HARD Heaven. Listening, HEARING, Thinking, reconsidering discussing, compromising to come to a BALANCE of MODERATION so the most THINKING! Humans can be happy. That is HARD heaven before we hopefully do move on to the EASY one? Who knows but it is a calming thought to keep hopeful with.
Non thinking Left brains are obviously happy in a tunnel with only MONEY at the end. That is a ridiculous quality of life and we THINKER right brains want FAR MORE THAN MONEY! In fact who needs money when you have .. the 9 factors of health below
We share and trade ALL our Human Resources TOGETHER, in our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME. With FAIR trade do we ever NEED money .. it is a joke they make MORE money off while we lose. These are the only things we need and we CONTRIBUTE to our SYSTEM, then receiving all 9 factors of health. Those who have MORE share more because they are decent FAIR humans. We do not ALLOW really BAD humans or zombies in out gated community. do you want the child war happening? .. or try a new way. A FAIR system. It will be MORE WORK, MORE TIME, MORE PATIENCE NEEDED .. but WIN/WIN is always a better pay off, than our win LOSE! What we WANT for quality of life is the 9 factors ..
Put that damn phone away. Do you not realize YOUR addiction is destroying humans? Each one of us is part of the whole! What I do stupid .. affects everyone. Instead of "get MY PHONE" get CONSERVATION in your head. Not only are we using tons of POWER especially with the cloud but ll those stupid conversations and texts ARE GOING RIGHT THRU OUR BRAINS! No wonder our brains are fried all that idiot communication goes THRU YOU! Power lines did damage to those nearby .. do you really think this does nothing to our health and delicate BRAIN? Instead of "where is my PHONE?" .. put it AWAY! What can we do this minute to reduce our use of resources and help others do the same. Had we been RESPECTFUL I think nature would not have come now to BITE us .. show us who is BOSS!
Sat. July 13, 2024, 4:30 pm.
? R L brain ..
Left brains see a way to profit and act on it. Every business must have money left, after the bills are paid .. even lots of money remaining. Profit is not BAD .. it is necessary. But profit can be evil. Everything is DUAL .. only moderation and BALANCE let's us run a successful world. Profit can not be at the expense of destroying overworked employee health .. or throwing waste and toxins blithely poisoning our human home. So perhaps the BASIS of our nEW SYSTEM is understanding DUALITY. Almost EVERYTHING is good AND bad! But somehow we lost our ability for moderation .. we lost the meaning of MODERATION! Profit is fine but not EXTREME and destroying society in its path. We should have listened to McGilchrist. All that Higher learning .. YET we learn NOTHING. Steven King KNEW in the STAND 45 years ago! The ending was "we NEVER learn". Only this time we have gone TOO far. Our society of excess and extreme has destroyed all NORMAL balance and we may NOT be able to recover. Either we learn McGilchrist's work and ACT ON IT .. or .. we are extinct.
PRODUCTIVITY destroyed us. Wall Street movie destroyed us. SAVING on costs in order to profit more was smart .. BUT IN MODERATION. Being a little selfish but then sharing with philanthropy was ok. WALLT st movie gave permission for GREED. NOTHING extreme is good. Taller buildings give more space to house people. But too tall they destroy neighbourhood and maybe the greed of developer concrete is a BIG reason civilization is gone. civilization contains the word CIVIL. We have lost all civility .. and are on the way to lost humanity. Too many of us are already ZOMBIEs missing mind and heart. If you are young and stressed selfish and shallow it is understandable. Please join us and share our Right brain resource so that TOGETHER we can FIX this mess!
To FIND moderation and BALANCE the good vs bad of each thing requires DEEP thinkng, time and patience. This is done with our Right brain hemisphere. Left brains get ahead of us Thinkers because they just ACT .. seek a profit source and go. but it is alleys a bANDAID not a REAL solution. Fast and easy will never create quality of life. and this is even what our invention has decayed into! We invent bandaids. stupid apps that connect nothing. Life is 1)CONNECTION (things, people and ESPEC. IDEAS), 2)DUALITY (everything is good and bad) plus 3)BALANCING the MODERATION of good/ bad. If we could remember them and THINK and THEN ACT on those 3 things .. would we not be all GOOD?
Wed. July 10, 2024, 7:45 pm.
I get so frustrated with my family but I need to be more PATIENT, less judgemental and more empathetic. How would you even know if the wiring of your THINKNG brain has been destroyed? This is why I think it is over .. Trump and his people may really believe what they believe. (vs just lying) If we are brain disabled .. (I know I am DISABLED from ACCOMPLISHING .. I can NOT just fix it!) I think since nobody has any pity for us, I do not want to be compassionate to THEM. They always said "just quit being such a loser". THAT'S STUPID! Do you think we WANT to be losers? If you think a lot, it takes TIME so it is just harder to accomplish a lot! But if they can't think, they would be unable to SAY .. "I can manage lots, but slowing down to think more carefully, is NOT my skill. I admire their management skills greatly, just am angry us THINKERS never get credit for the VALUE of our right Brain. We just get called negative for our worried concern of uncontemplated future and neglected past causes.
Selfish is WORSE
Mon. July 15, 2024, 2:00 pm.
How can you even THINK with such loud music NOT in the background. very WEIRD .. I know I am ESP but I want to do a study of TRAUMA .. loud noise smells colours and see if MOR then 1 of 5 is a LITTLE sensitive. Definitely more and more popped are OBLIVIOIS to everything!
So how about we just do part 2 FIRST .. you know like CIVIL HUMAN beings vs selfish shallow zombies? I am starting to quickly be able to JUDGE a good vs BAD heading to ZOMBIE being. If they are SURE there are just BAD people who need to be "COP-ed" and get upset if I say they would not BE bad if they also got a FAIR break in life. After a boat load of injustice you TURN BAD. It really just takes ONE supportive person in your life, to save you from going the wrong way, and sadly some of us never get that pot of gold. To have someone value you and respect you as a DESERVING human being is CRUCIAL in our formation as a HUMAN CITIZEN. That feeling of being of VALUE to the human community builds a GOOD Human. A bad human has either received NO LOVE/ respect OR TOO MUCH!! hah! (no wonder everybody is an idiot, it takes me decades to recognize these things and in that time, I am an IDIOT at accomplishing anything). The world is DUMB because they do not have the LUXURY to spend forever thinkng and pondering layers of the onion idea. SO BAD HUMANS did not get a BALANCE of love .. whoa so even LOVE is BAD! Or .. that is not real love, when you let your child grow into a selfish shallow to others, self absorbed bully. If love is GIVING, giving a kid too much does not teach him OTHERS have needs to consider.
hmm .. so a BAD human either got too much love or not enough! But if they got too much they probably grew up in a LEFT Brain family (They "succeed" because they only worry about the SELF .. "ME/ mine, here, now!" is such an EASIER life than considering WE/ US and time/spce in our ACTIONS!! By the time we Right brains figure it out the ACTION Left brains took over! No wonder the world is not FAIR!!
WedJuly 24, 2024, 2:00 pm.
Wed. July 10, 2024, 8:00 am.
If we SHARE our INTELLIGENCE (THOUGHTS, plus skills, talents)
These are all ?psychiatry terms?/ screw psychiatry .. I suggest psychology demonizes anybody who is a deeper more sensitive person. People who are selfish and shallow "SUCCEED" because it is easier if the focus is "ME/ mine, here, NOW". If you are tunnel vision on SELF, life is easy. Life is hard for those of us who WORRY about we/ us! It feels like the worriers are all the bad words. PTSD, OCD, etc etc.
Like McGilchrist says ATTENTION is EVERYTHING!!
Wed. July 10, 2024, 8:15 am.
Going into the POURING (torrential?) rain was less bad than looking at it, and WORRYING. So we save lots of "LIFE? VALUE" by ignoring .. BEING OBLIVIOUS. And that is exactly what left brains DO and I am so JEALOUS of. The law of attraction works for them because they pay ATTENTION ONLY to what suits them
"don't worry".. ?? .. WHAT? These people seem to TO TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY! WORRY directed is considering future consequences AHEAD of creating a disaster. Here we go again .. why do I learn even MORE .. teaching you? So same old same old .. DUALITY!! Worry is horrible and steals from our Bank of HUMANS
Sat. July 27, 2024, 7:30 am
Are you still a HUMAN? STRESSED "zombie"? or a REAL zombie? If just a zombie .. we will have to kill you .. or you get OFF the planet fast. Zombies have had their RIGHT brain THINKING wiring EATEN by the toxins of "progress". Beings with no THINKING brain are destroying civilization. (link) When you have no ABILITY to think of other's well being, you are selfish and shallow, the beginning of the evil and STUPID SPECTRUM. It would seem a lot of the American RIGHT works or BEHAVES .. only with their LEFT ACTION brain.
We have wars for stupidity .. this is the last 2 side DIVIDE, before REAL Humans with mind and "heart" are extinct. Only Dystopia or ZOMBIE-land will remain. DO SOMETHING .. or not. It is up to YOU what happens now. Join REVERSE WORLD and together let's see if we can pull the LAST David vs Goliath.
Thurs. July 25, 2024, 7:30 pm.
ARE WE GOING TO SHUT UP? STOP SCREAMING? LISTEN, LEARN, THINK, RECONSIDER .. so we can DISCUSS and COMPROMISE opposing ideas. Everything is DUAL .."both .. and .." can be TRUE. The RIGHT CHOICE or SOLUTION is what is of MOST VALUE or GOOD .. to the MOST people. We have to CALCULATE VALUE, a little good for most of us, or very good for just a few of us. ( 🤔 So capitalism is BAD? 😳 But we can just REVISE it to MODERATION.) Instead of this hard work, we are LAZY! We just demonize and scream from opposing sides. I solved the problem for you .. but nobody LISTENS! 😵💫 We are INSANE .. and we will now DIE. Humans will be extinct .. because they never listen to my SIMPLE SOLUTION (that is very HARD WORK.) Just be FAIR balance 2 things in MODERATION so EVERYBODY wins. IMAGINE .. a new SYSTEM that is WIN /WIN for all. But we are too lazy and expect "Daddy", Biden? Trump? to save our problems
There are 2 kinds of people. Of course it is a SPECTRUM or scale .. but the EXTREMES are GOOD people and BAD people. Bad people are selfish and shallow and "think" (or rather .. THEY FOCUS) only on "ME/mine, here, NOW!" Whereas GOOD Humans THINK and want to UNDERSTAND a problem, so it can have the best solution. The best solution, is for WE/ US (or the common and greater good) .. not simply a "ME!" SELF solution. Both of these brain sides are necessary RESOURCES, a focus on ME, but also a focus on WE /US. We must look after our SELF but we must also look after our HUMAN Family .. and HARM NO ONE ELSE by ANY of our behaviour! Although "ME" is important, caring for me can harm NOTHING in our HUMAN HOME.
This HUMAN kind of ACTION, requires THINKING before acting out behaviour. To survive as humans, the 2 opposing brain sides need to BALANCE. Both ME (Left brain) and WE/US (Right brain) must be focused on in moderation, to BALANCE them. If one BRAIN side becomes more prevalent, unless it is the RIGHT THINKING hemisphere, QUALITY OF LIFE IN SOCIETY DECLINES.
For Humans to SURVIVE together peacefully the focus must be MORE .. WE/US or Right Brain. "We" is the common good and "US" is the greater good. But we have forgotten this, as our society became more and more "I'm SPECIAL" focused .. Left brain use with NO BALANCE. Those of us who think and worry became "those horrible negative people" who should learn to be more positive. And here we are .. a REALITY where "positive" can no longer camouflage the damage we have done. Decades of our DISRESPECT and irresponsibility for human HOME and FAMILY have destroyed civilization.(Left brains are destroying civilization: UN HERD, McGilchrist)
Sadly we have spent the last century focusing more and more on ME and EXTREME, forgetting the concept of BALANCE and MODERATION entirely. This means those who focus on "ME!" are now the ones in charge. "Success" is FAR easier to obtain when there is only ONE focus .. "the SELF", instead of also considering OTHERS, plus our HUMAN Home. How did we let this MINDLESSNESS go so far? Hidden Sugar destroyed our brain (less self discipline helps sells more) and then the SCREEN made us into FULL SHEEP. Our shepherds look after THEIR needs, and we are being lead to the slaughter. (Stress just to survive surely leaves no TIME to THINK.)
WE are now so brain dead we are not even NOTICING our MINDLESS, "HEARTLESS" behaviour is destroying everything it touches. So many researchers and authors have been warning for decades, that our lack of BRAIN USE will destroy us. I think it is now too late. We are in the ZOMBIE apocalypse and we don't even know it. Just phone faced SHEEP following along. 🤪 The zombie's are beings now missing their Right hemisphere THINKING brain wiring. Zombies want fast easy ACTION. Are there lots of just STRESSED zombies, able to COME BACK and join us?
If we thought covid was bad .. the S4 virus will fully destroy humanity .. and VERY soon. S4 .. Selfish and shallow "I'm SPECIAL, I have rights", plus SUGAR, SCREENS and STRESS have destroyed our BRAIN WIRING. Without Right brain wiring we are no longer able to THINK, to IMAGINE or create alternatives which work BETTER than FAST solutions. THINKING also lets us imagine in order to be COMPASSIONATE and empathetic! Left brains have no empathy, and can be very mean and even CRUEL. Left brains are the ones who say Homeless people should have tried harder, they are losers. Left brain hemisphere is the ACTION side of what USED to be a BALANCED BRAIN. The Left brain is the side that sees problems and simply USES them for profit. This is why we live in a society of BANDAIDS that are all now falling off. This is why we live with system SILOS that do not connect and create only CHAOS. In HUMAN LIFE everything connects, whether we like it or not. Ideas, humans , systems everything CONNECTS affecting everything else. NORMAL will STAY normal, the NATURAL no matter how hard we try to be all powerful. But we live in a world now run by DISABLED brain beings, who think they are GREAT.
Why don't we RIGHT brain and especiall BALANCED brain GOOD humans get TOGETHER and step out of the NONSENSE!?? We want to UNDERSTAND and create REAL solutions! If we get together and build a NEW better SYSTEM that actually creates QUALITY of LIFE for our HUMAN Family those just STRESSED ZOMBIE .. will want to join us! I have the PLAN .. Let's build a TEMPLATE community of better ORDER, where all contribute but all receive FAIR (shelter, food and FUN) in return. The others can replicate our template in other local Communities. Corporations who are still GOOD Humans, will want the credit for SAVING THE WORLD. To organize churches and non profits will want to be a part. Let's start right now! What if novemeber is the start of REAL civil war. Maybe we can use this to calm the idiot Left brain politicians down .. to actually DO SOMETHING. Left brains want profit, power and proestige. Sound like a lot of politicians. Enough with "politics" ! We are going to DIE .. while like ZOMBIE IDIOTS we demonize each other wasting time!
PS: who divides and screams at the other when the country is FAILING. What kind of idiocy is that? I wonder how many hate me already .. will 1 of 5 readers say 🤔 Do you see why I am quitting. If we are only a few still THINKING .. it is too late. I will get a contact system to find out.
replace .. not great..
The HUMAN has exited our body .. our human is spirit and soul created by our MIND and "Heart". Our toxic disrespect for NORMAL has destroyed our Right brain THINKING wiring. (? I believe Right Hemisphere brain wiring, is where the mind and "heart" resides). Some of my family is so CRUEL, there can be no "heart" there! Plus a MIND reconsiders meanness and apologizes. Never an apology in decades of cruel, makes you recognize SOMETHING is missing. We have lost the ability to re-THINK, especially the ability to IMAGINE how bully words feel to the one who is MORE sensitive. Too many bukies in society screaming is not a civilization that can survive. REAL humans with MIND and HEART to solve problems with CARE are disappearing. Or .. hopefully us quiet THINKERS are actually the MASSES. Is it possible the world just FEELS horrible because thoughtless MEAN People scream louder? There is no more discussion of opposing ideas to LEARN .. only screaming
Mon. July 22, 2024, 4:15 pm.
list all below
Mon. July 22, 2024, 12:00 noon
Natural is CONNECTED. Everything in the cosmos CONNECTS. All on earth connects, every person, every system, every IDEA .. in NORMAL Land all connects. Everything affects everything else. So human life must be approached with ONE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM .. behaviour that consider its affect on all else. We have neglected to think of all else ..than ME .. more and more since the 60's. Ignoring our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME for only the SELF .. is destroying civilization. WE have been shallow and selfish for so long .. we are no longer ABLE to LISTEN and LEARN .. RECONSIDER our actions, for BETTER outcomes.
UNLESS WE CHANGE OUR FOCUS IMMEDIATELY .. we will DIE. Humans will be extinct and America will never reach its 250th bday. The "Civil" war we are now in, will become the last World War .. but we will probably just die of suicide and murder before that. 😱
SHALLOW, SELFISH "ME/mine, here, NOW!" is DESTROYING US. Biden is a good example, he should have OFFERED to step down earlier, putting COUNTRY FIRST. POWER and PRESTIGE is a problem with politics that makes it useless. We should each contribute MORE not expected DADDY to fix our problems! Really shows our stupidity to believe Biden or Trump .. GRANDPA ..will fix it! = DUMBocracy! Lack oF PERSONAL RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME has destroyed our society. Like JFK SAID " .. what can YOU DO? (for your country). But since his words of the 60's we have done less and less for the COMMO and GREATER good .. more and more for ME. Apologies to us Right Brain Worriers who have been yelling warnings, while just struggling to SURVIVE. Sadly Left brain ACTION beings will not LISTEN. They have TUNNEL VISION only on profit, power or prestige. Left brains are destroying CIVILIZATION .. and very very quickly now! We must STOP THEM or we die. Zombies will live on in their DYSTOPIA, but REAL HUMANS .. GOOD Humans who want FAIR for all will be gone.
Of course it is far HARDER to FULLY calculate the TOTAL HUMAN VALUE of an action, than to only consider the $$ it brings to the company or person! I fear we are no longer able to have such patience. The HUMAN LIFE LEDGERS consist of our HUMAN VALUE Stock EXCHANGE. WE can create a system where our HUAMN Stock exchange shares CONSTANTLY INCREASE in value.
This Accounting system is used for EVERY behaviour, not the bank or biz! The HUMAN ACCOUNTING SYSTEM we have neglected is really based on CIVILITY, yet we have now lost even our HUMAN .. just being FAIR and DECENT! Our LIFE LEDGERS mean we calculate the VALUE of an ACTION (including waste and toxic MULTIPLIERS) in 3 areas "me/ mine" (LAST, not first!), WE/US, and Time/ space (past causes, FUTURE consequences). Because we neglected this hard work, we are now TERMINAL. We must THINK hard to find REAL truth so we can TRUST. We must calculate the VALUE of an action based on TRUTH. Yes covid was handled WRONG, but only because we have DISCONNECTED every thought process .. when in reality ALL is actually CONNECTED! I don't think Fauci was some evil overlord .. we are just amazingly STUPID, and SILO based!
A new HUMAN accounting system and stock exchange starts with letting a car turn LEFT while there is a traffic gap. The driver's "thank you" wave, raises your spirts which is INCREASING the human atmosphere which is all connected! Now you are pleased with yourself and smiling and that energy transfers aroind you. WE are the ATMOSPHERE. Can you see how TOXIC SOUP that is today .. with all of us so stressed just to barely survive? Let's try a gated community where we all CONTRIBUTE to our "bank" or stocks, but we all RECEIVE FAIR shelter, food and fun in return. There are so many HUMAN RESOURCES, things of VALUE we can SHARE and TRADE. We have skills and taalents going unused and can collect and connect them TOGETHER in a SYSTEM of far better qulity of life. But it means we each must respect and be responsible to our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME. Managing ALL our many shared RESOURCES WISELY (from smiles to empty home space, to gardens of food wasted) must CONSTANTLY be our FIRST THOUGHT .. NOT which APP to look at!! Are we insane .. or gone zombie? Do we really think our PHONE is more important than our HUMAN connection??
redo order below .. re edit thought ..Thurs. July 25, 2024, 10:00 am
REAL Humans, decent and FAIR souls, have been replaced by zombies UNAWARE they have LOST their MIND and "heart". Our decency and FAIRNESS seems to be located in the destroyed RIGHT BRAIN Wiring. But we live in a HUMAN FAMILY/HOME and without the WE/ US of the right brain HUMANS can not survive. Only by connecting and sharing ideas, working TOGETHER can the HUMAN FAMILY survive. Instead we are at war, in 1000 shallow wars. The REAL WAR is LEFT vs RIGHT brain! Left brain USE selfishly while RIGHT brains want to UNDERSTAND so we can CALCULATE FAIR! Enough being nice. We have almost LOST the war. Zombie-land reigns now.
We must REMOVE the following TOXINS of SELFISH and SHALLOW. GONE .. all of these or we still human are dead, Replaced by Zombieland.
The "FAIL FOCUS" Formula = the toxins below .. eliminate them or humans are extinct.
So many more RESOURCES have MORE Value than money! A smile, music, trees, a blue sky, PEACE AND quiet, feeling safe cannot be replaced by hiring SECURITY!!
MONEY .. as in the profit of a corporation is the LAST thing to worry about! Far more important is workers that feel valued and respected! You will have NO profit or extra money without your workers VALUING YOU! If they do. they will give their all to your enterprise. Without their REAL effort .. not just, "job done, time put in" .. your business will never do well. IF you do not give your CUSTOMERS quality, they may not return. never mind giving a good deal. Once we start our boycott we will QUIT anything not well made because all you are doing is adding TOXINS and waste to our natural NORMAL Human Home. So if you are wasting our money and destroying our home why should owe buy your crap. EVEN if it is APPLE or AMAZON. Amaon uses so much distribution evenergy. It would have been nice to give little guys a chance but now it is just destroying eveerythign while it SAVES YOU MONEY. Think more carefully! Our LAZY, fast and easy convenience at ALL costs .. might just KILL US! We either join our FAIR system and only buy from FAIR CERTFIED companies or we will very soon be dead. And that is not DRAMA. You are a baby asleep if you can not SEE that. No Trump "DADDY" is going to save you!! Eiether we EACH take PERSONAL responsibility or REAL Humans are extinct (the Zombies will continue in their DYSTOPIA oblivious till total world end.)
"SELF first" is the recipe for destruction! WE/Us comes first .. behaviour that does NOT harm others! OUR FOCUS HAS BEEN BACKWARD! FIRST YOU GIVE .. INVEST in the HUMAN FAMILY stock market VALUE exchange .. and THEN you get a return! You get quality of life, a as RETURN on your investment! We have it backward .. we EXPECT a return on our "specialness", just for being. WAKE up special NOR SPECIAL people .. you CONTRIBUTE to the human race (bank) and THEN you get the pay back! YOU are not special because we are ALL special .. but first we are a HUMAN FAMILY connected for the common and greater good .. FIRST. Then your contribution of your special talents and skills makes our human Family stock exchange VALUE INCREASE.
WE confused the order of our special .. after we contribute then we get the pay back. But our contribution increase EVERYONE's VALUE. We are ALL the atmosphere and because we are all CONNECTED we can not really have quality of life UNTIL WE ALL DO. How can there be homeless people when some buy dinner at the cost of a month's salary for the rest of us? YOU did not pay you workers make quality OR pay taxes so NO .. you are not allowed millions! Be a decent human .. not an OBLIVIOUS zombie .. or EVIL! Just be a decent FAIR Human .. or off the planet with you.
Don't you Love how the Elite, Entitled read books on "Happiness". You will NEVER get it unless you GIVE it first! The HAPPINESS of a HUMAN comes from caring for OTHERS FIRST, now AND for the future not just sole focus on "ME/ mine, here, now". we can never be "happy" unless we are ALL happy. We all CONTRIBUTE and we all receive from our investment in our HUMAN Bank or VALUE exchange.
dig deeper in the onion of life problems
Replace with the REVERSE! CONTRIBUTE our Human Intelligence, resources, skills and talents, and RECEIVE in return FAIR shelter, food, and fun. Universal income but with respect and feeling VALUED as a connected human. A far better solution! Valued people GIVE value in return. Employees today feel disrespected and uncared for and contribute nothing to business. Why sjould the. Treated FAIR our NEW System Stock exchange will constantly INCREASE .. with out the "Earth rape", replaced with waste and toxins IN RETURN of today's system.
If we each TOOK RESPONSIBILITY to be a good HUMAN, we would NEED none of our dysfunctional systems! We would not need police, or courts or lawyers or JAILS! WE would all be decent and FAIR to each other because if we ALL consider the common and greater good FIRST .. non of us feel alone, disconnected or devalued. When we feel we do not belong we LASH our or in. Suicieds and mass murders are increasing because so many of us feel devalued and unimportant. When life feels UNFAIR .. you want to dish some NOT FAIR onto others
Copyright © 2024 The BANK of REAL Human VALUE - All Rights Reserved.
I think this is what tells me if anybody even came to see what I was yelling about? If hardly nobody comes, I may as well stop trying .. I will pull Steven King's 1978 "THE STAND" ending. As they watch what is left of the world EXPLODE .. the main characters together face NOPE .. "WE NEVER LEARN!" Too bad .. humanity was fun while it lasted. But too many zombies (or EVIL?) have been in charge, for too long now.